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The conditions of World War I

    The conditions of World War I are often described as inhumane. How did national/ethnic identities and animosities (as evidenced in propaganda campaigns) combine with
The post The conditions of World War I first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



The conditions of World War I are often described as inhumane. How did national/ethnic identities and animosities (as evidenced in propaganda campaigns) combine with technological development in the early stages of the war to create such a bitter, inhumane experience? Conduct research and select at least on primary source that either supports or refutes the topic. Remember, you should be using at least two other resources (primary or secondary) to support your analysis. This means your completed paper will have a total of three resources, at least one of them a primary resource.


The post The conditions of World War I first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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