Learning outcomes: 1. Understand the contribution of various functional areas e.g. production, marketing, purchasing and supply management to the overall well-being
The post Strategic management 2 first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.
Learning outcomes:
1. Understand the contribution of various functional areas e.g. production, marketing, purchasing and supply management to the overall well-being of the organization (Lo 1.2.)
2. Gain insights into the strategy-making processes of different types of organizations (Lo 1.7)
3. Identify appropriate strategies for different situations (Lo 3.1).
Assignment Questions (5 Marks)
Consider the same company ‘X’ that you have already used in assignment 1 and answer the following questions
1. Describe the roles of directional, marketing, operations and human resource strategies in the overall well-being of your selected company. (2 marks)
2. Classify the products of your selected company based on the BCG matrix. (fill out the table in the answer sheet) (1 mark)
3. Describe at least one partnership that your selected corporation has with other company (es). Is it successful? Justify. (1mark)
4. Describe the structure of your selected company. (1 mark)
Assignment Answers:
1. Describe the roles of directional, marketing, operations and human resource strategies in the overall well-being of your selected company. (2 marks)
2. Classify the products of your selected company based on the BCG matrix. (fill out the following table) (1 mark)
Table 1. BCG matrix of the company ‘X’
Stars Question Marks
Cash Cow Dogs
Relative market share
3. Describe at least one partnership that your selected corporation has with other company (es). Is it successful? Justify. (1mark)
4. Describe the structure of your selected company. (1 mark)
The post Strategic management 2 first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.