Discussion Thread: The Value of Lenses and Metaphors
Follow the specific guidelines explained below and in each Discussion assignment, as well as, those outlined in the grading rubric.
For each discussion, post a thread in response to the topic prompt provided. Your thread must contain a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 300 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. This promotes writing that is thorough yet concise enough to permit your peers to read all of the threads. Each thread must adhere to current APA writing guidelines and any references included in the thread must be formatted in current APA style. Since this is a personal discussion, you are allowed to use first-person perspective.
While it is certainly more than just an organization, without question, the Church definitely is an organization. Additionally, God in His Word gives us several lenses or metaphors to help us better understand His organization (the Church).
Identify at least 2 of these New Testament biblical metaphors for the Church and discuss how they help you better understand some important realities relating to the Church.
If at all possible, use lenses/metaphors which have not already been identified by your colleagues in their threads for this module.
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