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Write a professional reflection of your current strengths in consultation and collaboration. Identify what aspect(s) you want to work on and how you plan to do this.

Write a professional reflection of your current strengths in consultation and collaboration. Identify what aspect(s) you want to work on and how you plan to do this.

2-4 pages max (12 point text, double spaced)

Students will understand the historical progression of Least Restrictive Environment efforts in relationship to legislation and classroom practices. Strength
Students will gain knowledge of research findings regarding strengths and weaknesses within our current service delivery system for students with disabilities. Strength
Students will gain knowledge of different models of consultation and collaboration. Strength
Students will gain knowledge of research about effective problem solving in teams of
professionals. Weakness

Students will gain knowledge of negotiation and conflict resolution strategies. Strength
Students will acquire skills in leading groups through problem solving and program planning sessions.Weakness
Students will gain knowledge of staff development approaches that may be used to empower team members and skill in using these approaches. Strength
Students will acquire skills in effective communication with a variety of other professional and parents. Strength


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