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Journal my diet

  One of the most telling activities you can do is write down what you eat and drink every day. You will get the most out
The post Journal my diet first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


One of the most telling activities you can do is write down what you eat and drink every day. You will get the most out of this activity if you donâ€t make an effort to change foods for healthier choices, just eat the way you normally would eat.
Write down the foods you eat, the portion size, and all of the drinks you have with their portion size. Do your best to estimate how much you consume. Do not wait until the end of the day to write down what you eat; keep track as you go through the day. Include everything such as a nibble of candy from a candy jar or foods eaten while preparing your meal.
Keep track of your diet for one more day. Try to meet your target for each group. Write down your food choices.



The post Journal my diet first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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