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(a) Describe the interface of Operations Management with all areas of Business (eg. Marketing. Finance, Information Systems, Engineering, Human Resources etc.) in a Paragraph. (b) Describe five important milestones in the “”Historical Evolution of Operations Management? (20 points) Question LI: Forecasting 2. Hospitality Hotels forecas

(a) Describe the interface of Operations Management with all areas of Business (eg. Marketing. Finance, Information Systems, Engineering, Human Resources etc.) in a Paragraph.
(b) Describe five important milestones in the “”Historical Evolution of Operations Management?
(20 points)
Question LI: Forecasting
2. Hospitality Hotels forecasts monthly labor needs. Monthly iatxjr figures for a 4-month period were as follows:
Month Feb Mar Apr May
Actual Values 41 40 38 42
Forecast June labor figures volume using each of the following techniques (Note: round off al] values to two decimal places):
a) Naive approach (the most appropriate one based on plotting the data)
b) A four-month moving average
c) A weighted moving average using 0.5, 0.2. 0.2 and 0.1
d) Exponential smoothing with a smoothing constant equal to 0.4
e) Linear Trend Equation
t) Compare the forecast accuracy for a MAD metric using Exµmentia1 smoothing, and Linear Tend. Which among the two is a better technique for this data?
(30 points)


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