Global Citizens Project Assignment
You will complete a four writing assignment that addresses the USF Global Citizens Project requirement for this course.
This assignment is designed to help students become familiar with aspects of socioeconomic inequality and the role social institutions and social structures play in perpetuating these inequalities on both a local and global level.
Information on how to structure your paper is provided at the bottom of this document.
Think critically about the readings, videos, and class discussions about stratification and structures of inequality. Especially relevant will be chapter seven of our textbook, our Week Eight video and discussion on the video, “America’s Forgotten Working Class”, our Week Nine video and discussion on the video, “White Doll, Black Doll”, and our Week Twelve video and discussion on the video, “The Minimum Wage Debate”. You will also be directed to several websites and sources provided within this assignment. You are encouraged to search for and include other articles and resources you find to be relevant in your discussion.