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This deliverable requires the student to write a 40-80 page document that fully and succinctly describes the Capstone Project, including the Executive Summary, essential aspects of a substantial project plan, principal extracts from a well-constructed financial model, and proposed next steps to be taken for successful execution of the project. Essential aspects of the Business Plan are that it is organized in the traditional and logical flow of a business plan, the subjects are dealt with in a clear and complete way, and the document is easy to read and reference. The Business Plan must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file, which is standard industry practice, and in APA style and format.

This deliverable requires the student to write a 40-80 page document that fully and succinctly describes the Capstone Project, including the Executive Summary, essential aspects of a substantial project plan, principal extracts from a well-constructed financial model, and proposed next steps to be taken for successful execution of the project.

Essential aspects of the Business Plan are that it is organized in the traditional and logical flow of a business plan, the subjects are dealt with in a clear and complete way, and the document is easy to read and reference. The Business Plan must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file, which is standard industry practice, and in APA style and format.


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