Assessment item 2 – Theory and Simulation Exercises
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There are Two parts to complete in this assignment. There are 50 marks in total.
In this assessment, students must demonstrate their understanding of critical thinking in an IT context by examining given problems and proposing solutions using the methods explored in the subject. Students will choose a solution, then implement and evaluate their solution. Students must submit a report that outlines the steps they followed to solve the problems and a packet tracer file to support their solution.
Part A Questions (22 Marks)
Answer the following four sub-questions. Each question is worth marks as indicated.
1). Ethernet interfaces on Catalyst 2960 and Catalyst 3560 Series switches support different trunking modes with the help of Dynamic Trunking Protocol(DTP). Please explain four different trunking modes and elaborate each case with examples (6 marks)
2). Trunking issues are associated with incorrect configurations. The following three common problems associated with trunks.
Trunk mode mismatches
Allowed VLANs on trunks
Native VLAN mismatches
Please use your knowledge and skill to analyse and troubleshoot any two of the above problems through customised examples (supporting by network topology with detailed configuration) (3 marks each problem: 6 marks)
3). In a company Charles, it’s marketing department is on VLAN 10 and the sales department is on VLAN 20. Please design at least two ways to enable a member of the marketing department to communicate with a member of the sales department? (3 marks each method, 6 marks)
4). Layer 3 redundancy issues can be resolved by using HSRP on Layer 3 Switches, discuss HSRP issues which can conflict with STP which can lead to sub-optimal links. (4 marks)
Part B Case Study (28 marks)
The purpose of this case study is to evaluate your knowledge of the topics studied and your ability to design, model and test using a simulation of a network from a given description.
ABC head office provides internet connection for its two branch offices, to insure network connectivity, the head office has two edge routers connect to internet. The company has two public IP address and, private IP address block is used for the internal network. The head office has 80 hosts (20 servers, 60 PCs), Branch 1 has 50 hosts and Branch 2 has 20 hosts (Please use your last 4 digits of you Student ID as the second and third octets in the IP address block of the network to create the subnet).
(Last four digit of my id is 6184)
1). After survey the current network, to address the scalability requirement, you decide to use EIGRP as dynamic routing protocol to connect the branches to the head office, please compare EIGRP with other dynamic routing protocol and static route, what is the benefit of EIGRP (3 marks).
2). For security concerns, users can be separated into two VLANs in head office, VLAN A for server farm and VLAN B for admin users. The users from Branch offices should not have access to the server farm. You decided to implement extended ACL to prevent the traffic from Branches, compare standard ACL with extended ACL, what is the advantage to use extended ACL? (3 marks)
3). Access to the Internet is crucial for each office, as well as, inter-branch-office networking. Your task is to design, deploy and successfully implement the company business requirements using all or any of the following: (22 marks)
Operating systems
Routing protocols
IP addressing: hosts, subnet addresses, broadcast addresses
Router-based DHCP server
After considering all the requirement, design your network topology and implement your design on packet tracer, submit a network design document considering the principles of network design. Include screen captures of your network in Packet Tracer and evidence that everything works end-to-end. You should submit one document including the answers to the questions and Packet Tracer *.pkt file.
1. The Private IP address (use private Network please use your last 4 digits of your student ID as the second and third octets of your network address. Keep other bits same as what are shown in the addressing table and the figure below. For example, if your student ID is 11567890, using the last 4 digits (7890), your main network address will be
2. Each subnet can be represented by two end devices with the lowest and the highest IP address.
3. Marks will be given for the quality of the analysis, design and model following the network design principles and evidence of correct operation (PacketTracer .pkt file).
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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
be able to explain and evaluate the nature and operations of different LAN and WAN technologies.
be able to explain, analyse and troubleshoot different routing and switching protocols.
be able to design, verify, and solve a variety problems of VLANs and WANs.
In this assessment item, tasks are designed to reinforce the skill to analysis, design and model following the network design principles and evidence of correct operation on a middle-sized network communication, as well as how to configure dynamic routes to reach destinations outside of your network. Your ability demonstrate your skills of designing, configuring and troubleshooting.
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The following criteria are designed to guide you in your presentation and preparation of your assignment. The criteria apply generally across all questions to show you the standard required for each of the criteria.
Criteria HD DI CR PS FL
Analysis, design and model All procedures articulated and applied clearly and concisely. All calculations are successful and complete, appropriate hardware identified and described clearly and concisely. Configuration commands are clear and accurate. Appropriate protocols are selected. All procedures articulated and applied clearly and concisely. Most calculations are correct and complete, appropriate hardware identified and described clearly and concisely. Most configuration commands are clear and accurate. Appropriate protocols are selected. Most procedures articulated and applied clearly. Some explanation has been attempted.Most calculations are correct and complete, appropriate hardware identified and described with minor errors. Most configuration commands are accurate. Major parameters of protocols are selected Most procedures are applied correctly, Some explanation has been attempted. Some calculations are correct. Hardware is identified and described with some errors. Some configuration commands are incorrect. Some parameters of protocols have been correctly selected The procedures required are absent or applied incorrectly. Calculations are incorrect hardware have been identified. Configuration commands are incorrect or missing. Incorrect protocols are selected
Dynamic Routing Protocols Dynamic Routing Protocols are contextualized to the problem and configured perfectly Dynamic Routing Protocols are appropriate and configured to the problem with minor limitation. Dynamic Routing Protocols selected and configured have some limitations in application Dynamic Routing Protocols selected and configured have many limitations in application Dynamic Routing Protocols are not contextualized
ACLs Configurations of ACLs are completed and verified correctly Configurations of ACLs are completed and verified with minor errors Configurations of ACLs are completed with some errors and verified mostly Configurations of ACLs are completed with some errors and verified partially Configurations of ACLs are incorrect or missing
Level of depth of justification Explanations and justification are clearly articulated and comprehensive, explanations are logical and clear Explanation provided, clearly described but with minor errors in it Explanation provided, clearly described but major errors in it Explanation provided, but not clear or correct Explanations and justification are absent
Presentation Presentation is clear, concise and appropriate with no spelling or grammatical errors and uses appropriate APA referencing Presentation is clear and appropriate with no spelling or grammatical errors and uses appropriate APA referencing Presentation informative and appropriate with minor spelling or grammatical errors and uses good APA referencing Presentation informative but some are not clear and appropriate with a few spelling or grammatical errors and uses good APA referencing Presentation is unclear and is ungrammatical and poorly spelled. Poor APA referencing
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Please read “Presentation” under “Appendix 1 Assessment Information” in this subject outline.