For this assignment, you need to use the association rules. For each question, turn in the R code. The data file Congressional Voting Records.csv is provided
You must write your answers in a single Word document. Your source code must be in text, NOT screenshot. The output could be in either text or screenshot.
You must include your name at the top of the Word document.
Your Word document should be uploaded.
It must be sent by the deadline. No late submission will be accepted.
If do not follow these instructions, you will lose 10 points for your assignment.
This is an independent assignment so please do not get answer from anyone else, including Internet, or provide your work to others.
Your submission will be graded using two factors:
A correctly written R code that answers the question.
The correct output that the code provides.
Problem Description
The Congressional Voting Records dataset includes votes for each of the U.S. House of Representatives Congressmen on the 16 votes, such as Handicapped Infants and Toddler Act (handicapped-infants), Cost Sharing for Federal Water Projects (water-project-cost-sharing), Adoption of the Budget Resolution (adoption-of-the-budget-resolution), etc. There are three possible vote results: yea, represented as ‘y’, nay, represented as ‘n’ and unknown disposition, represented as ‘?’. Unknown votes are treated as missing data.
Use Apriori algorithm to find voting preference for both Republican and Democrat.
E.g.: if {budget resolution = no, MX-missile = no, aid to El Salvador = yes} {Party = Republican}
1. For each following question please include your R source code helping you get the result. Please only include the most related code.
2. List the top 5 frequent association rules sorted by Support, regardless of party. Also show the rules in a two-key plot.
– See Next Page –
3. List two most frequent association rules sorted by Confidence for each party.
4. Generate the parallel coordinates plot for Question 2 result.
5. Generate association rules network for Question 2 result. Please use both igraph and visNetwork packages.
6. Briefly discuss how to evaluate association rules. (One paragraph should be sufficient)
7. In what scenario, an association rule with high confidence could be a misleading rule?