Advanced Technologies is a leading supplier and operator of waste management services in Singapore. The firm currently has 150 employees across its four plants in Singapore. Growth and expansion have previously been sourced through organic means. However, following a strategic review, management has decided to embrace inorganic means of growth, namely through me

Advanced Technologies is a leading supplier and operator of waste management services in Singapore. The firm currently has 150 employees across its four plants in Singapore. Growth and expansion have previously been sourced through organic means.

However, following a strategic review, management has decided to embrace inorganic means of growth, namely through merger and acquisition activity. In light of this, Advanced Technologies have identified a waste management firm, Green Waste, which is a leading supplier of waste management services in the eastern region of Singapore.

Management believes they can acquire a majority shareholding in Green Waste at their current market value. Recently, management has become aware of human resource issues within GreenWaste and seek your advice before they make any acquisition. The opportunity to acquire Green Waste is very appealing to Advanced Technologies as it would afford the company access to the vibrant waste management market in the Eastern region.

However, if the firm is rife with human resource issues they may decide against the potential acquisition. Industry analysts have informed Advanced Technologies of some of the following issues in Green Waste:

(i)High turnover rate: the firm has an attrition rate in excess of 25% per annum.

(ii)High human resource costs: The rise in employee turnover has resulted in an increase in the costs of recruiting and training new staff.

(iii)Job dis-satisfaction: Employee job satisfaction and staff morale appear to be low and this is adversely affecting productivity.

(iv)Absenteeism is high, with a significant proportion of the financial spend given to paying absent employees.

(iv) Customer service: there have been an increasing amount of complaints from customers regarding the decrease in the standard of service provided. Advanced Technologies has hired your consultancy services to offer them advice and aid them in the development of strategies to improve the current organisational behavioural issues. Specifically, the firm would like advice on

1. What are some of the aspects that may be useful to understand regarding the individual employee? Specifically, they would like advice on introducing effective motivational techniques into the organisation, to enhance job satisfaction.

2. Management would like to introduce work teams within the firm. With respect to placing employees into work teams, what might you consider to maximise team effectiveness? This may include issues such as the foundations of group behaviour, understanding work teams and communications, etc.

3. Offer management recommendations that you believe would improve the organizational behaviour issues in both the short and long term. Additional information


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