i) Scope, Objectives and Risk Review developments in your particular field and select one on which to base your future career plans Outline and justify the scope of the proposal Define in detail the objectives of the overall project (use SMART objectives) Complete the three elements of this assignment Complete a risk appraisal Produce a log for using tool such as Pebble Pad log to record your achievements in relation to the project. ii) Sources an

Module Title: Research Methods for Professional Practice
Module Number: LD7162
Module Tutor Name(s): Dr Basel Khashab
Academic Year: 2020/21
% Weighting (to overall module): 20% Career Plan
20% Research Learning Log
60% Project Proposal
Coursework Title: Professional Practice and Research Project Proposal
Average Study Time Required by Student: 200 hours which includes all contact time in lectures/workshops
Dates and Mechanisms for Assessment Submission and Feedback
Date of Handout to Students: Week 1 : 04/06/2021
Mechanism for Handout to Students:
Date and Time of Submission by Student: TBC
Mechanism for Submission of Work by Student: Electronic submission via Blackboard
Date by which Work, Feedback and Marks will be returned to Students:
Within 20 working days from the date of submission.
Mechanism for return of assignment work, feedback and marks to students: Formal feedback will take place following completion of all reviews and internal moderation of results.
Further Information
Learning Outcomes tested in this assessment (from the Module Descriptor):
Knowledge & Understanding:
1. Deploy comprehensive knowledge and understanding of appropriate techniques and tools to plan, research and manage a project
Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
2. Systematically identify and analyse a complex research problem and produce a project proposal to solve it, considering professional, ethical, social and legal issues
3. Appreciate and apply appropriate techniques, tools and knowledge to support effective project management, research and advanced scholarship
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):
4. Demonstrate independent research and enquiry skills at an appropriately advanced level in the construction of a research project proposal
5. Critically appraise the processes used in the development of a research project proposal
Assessment Criteria/Mark Scheme:
See attachment to specification
Nature of the submission required:
An electronic copy of your work must be submitted to Turnitin using the links in the module folder on the ELP (Blackboard) by TBC
Instructions to students:
This is an individual piece of work and you must not work with others to construct your report. During the semester there are numerous opportunities to seek and get advice and support on your work, from tutors and peers but you must ensure you do not do work for others or copy work from others.
Referencing Style:
You will use Northumbria university approved Harvard Style of referencing. You will get guidance on this from your academic skills tutor as well as using SkillsPlus on Northumbria eLP.
Expected size of the submission:
Be succinct – Word count is a maximum 1000 words for the career plan; 20 separate entries on the research development log and a maximum of 3000 words for the project proposal excluding appendices, title page, contents list, abstract, references and appendices
Assignment Brief: Professional Practise – Personal Development Plan
There are three parts to this Professional Development assignment.
Part one: Reflective CPD (continuous professional development)
Complete a detailed reflective career plan; to include past achievements, current experience and an outline future career plan. Maximum 1000 words
20% of total
Part two: Achievement/ Learning log
Maintain a real time log of achievements and assess against your outline plan. Up to 20 separate entries 20% of total
Part three: Project proposal
Produce a proposal for your final project/dissertation based around an option appraisal of future plans based on developments within your particular speciality. Maximum of
3000 words 60% of total
Your overall personal development plan will be based on these three elements: what you have achieved to date; how you have developed your skills and what your future career options might be and what steps do you need to put in place to achieve your career plan. This is the foundation for your final project.
Project Research Details
i) Scope, Objectives and Risk
Review developments in your particular field and select one on which to base your future career plans
Outline and justify the scope of the proposal
Define in detail the objectives of the overall project (use SMART objectives)
Complete the three elements of this assignment
Complete a risk appraisal
Produce a log for using tool such as Pebble Pad log to record your achievements in relation to the project.
ii) Sources and use of Knowledge
Research and apply appropriate knowledge
Evaluate legitimacy of all sources
Relate knowledge to appropriate work-based examples Justify all recommendations made
iii) Ethics, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Issues
Write out a section that discusses, explores and defines all of the ethical, legal, social and professional issues associated with your project, including how you will consider security issues. If you think an area of this section is not applicable to your project, you should justify why this is the case.

iv) References: these should be primarily used to support your background section and include the latest relevant research in your chosen topic area. All references in the reference list must also appear within the body of the report. There is no ideal number of references recommended but a guide might be no less than 15-20 sources should be used.
v) Ethics Form: An online ethics form should be completed in consultation with your module tutor (s) and supervisor when you start to work on your dissertation in your final semester.
Presentation Guidelines
The front sheet must include:
Module: Research Methods for Professional Practice Module Tutor Name :
Assignment title: Professional Practice and Research Project Proposal
Student name + university identifier (always underline the surname/family name by which you are recorded in the university systems) Programme or course of study:
The name of your potential supervisor: Word Count:
Notes on presentation & submission:
The research report must be written and presented to an appropriate academic standard for a postgraduate programme of study.
The proposal will be assessed in terms of style, meaning, and the accuracy of spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax.
Correct and thorough referencing of your sources of information is required. You should follow a consistent referencing system and provide a full reference list and brief references in the text of your answer. ‘Cite them Right’ advises direct quotations should be indicated by quotation marks or indentation and referenced. Failure to acknowledge your sources or to indicate when you are quoting constitutes plagiarism. You are encouraged to work with each other to discuss the challenges encountered, but you must not work with each other to construct your answers. Action will be taken in accordance with the University regulations if plagiarism or collusion is suspected. This may result in a loss of marks for the assignment or module.
Further advice on these issues, can be found on:
Northumbria University (2016) Skills Plus help guides, Online. Available at:
http://nuweb2.northumbria.ac.uk/library/skillsplus/index.html. (Accessed 05.09.18)
Pears, R. & Shields, G. (2013) Cite Them Right: the essential referencing guide, 9th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Online. Available at:
http://www.citethemrightonline.com/ (accessed 05.09.18)
You could use university online library search facilities using the following link : – http://librarysearch.northumbria.ac.uk/ (accessed 05.09.19)
In general:
Your proposal written to a professional standard using MS Word and show appropriate and consistent use of type, fonts and line spacing
(for this assignment use Arial 12 and single spacing) and page layouts.
Give each page a footer that includes your name, the module code, and a page number.
Academic Integrity Statement:
You must adhere to the university regulations on academic conduct. Formal inquiry proceedings will be instigated if there is any suspicion of plagiarism or any other form of misconduct in your work. Refer to the University’s Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards if you are unclear as to the meaning of these terms. The latest copy is available on the University website.
https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/university-services/academic-registry/quality- and-teaching-excellence/assessment/guidance-for-students/
Penalties for Exceeding Word Limits:
The following penalties will be applied after any reductions in mark due to late submission have been made, Penalties will be applied as defined in the University Policy on Word Limits Policy.https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/-/media/ corporate-website/new-sitecore-gallery/services/academic-registry/documents/ qte/assessment/guidance-for-students/word-limits-
policy.pdf?la=en&hash=D06E866BA9C788D7B1FD8EE3E7E3F34026CE9673 (accessed on 31 august 2018)
The actual word count is to be declared on the front of the assessment submission.

Late Submission Policy:
For coursework submitted up to 1 working day (24 hours) after the published hand- in deadline without approval, 10% of the total marks available for the assessment (i.e.100%) shall be deducted from the assessment mark. Penalties will be applied as defined in the University Policy on the Late submission work.
https://northumbria-cdn.azureedge.net/-/media/corporate-website/new-sitecore- gallery/services/academic-registry/documents/qte/assessment/guidance-for- students/late-submission-of-work-and-extension-requests-policy_v2.pdf?
For clarity: a late piece of work that would have scored 65%, 55% or 45% had it been handed in on time will be awarded 55%, 45% or 35% respectively as 10% of the total available marks will have been deducted.
Failure to submit: The University requires all students to submit assessed coursework by the deadline stated in the assessment brief. Where coursework is submitted without approval after the published hand-in deadline, penalties will be applied as defined in the University Policy on the Late Submission of Work. https://northumbria-cdn.azureedge.net/-/media/corporate-website/new-sitecore- gallery/services/academic-registry/documents/qte/assessment/guidance-for- students/late-submission-of-work-and-extension-requests-policy_v2.pdf?
modified=20190619071234&la=en&hash=C112B22E14B9075D4E92C6A584208 8F7921BAAA4
Feedback and Marking Form: Part one: Continuous Professional
Development/Career Plan (CPD) 20%
Student: Identifier:
Max obtainable Actual
Background, Motivation, Relevance, Sources of Knowledge
Complete a reflective piece of work demonstrating previous experiences
Complete a personal assessment of strengths and weaknesses
Include evidence to support findings
Review possible future options in line with opportunities and threats
Provide academic support for plans
Scope, Objectives and Risk
Develop a personal development plan with specific personal objectives
Include a personal timeline
Justify plan and assess level of potential risk
Ethics, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Consideration
A discussion which explores all of the issues that have to be considered covering each item in the above section title.
Academic style, spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax Standard of referencing style
Feedback: (extend as needed)
Marked by:
Feedback and Marking Criteria Part two: Achievement/Learning log – 20%
Student: Identifier:
Max obtainable Actual
Background, Motivation, Relevance, Sources of Knowledge
Maintain a log of achievements (list up to 20 separate activities)
Compare with PDP
Reflect on level of synergy and goal alignment
Scope, Objectives and Risk
Personal review over defined period of relevant activities
Record all relevant activities: to include formal and informal learning environments and activities
Undertake a review of potential risks associated with future plans
Ethics, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Consideration
A discussion which explores all of the issues that have to be considered covering each item in the above section title.
Academic style, spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax Standard of referencing style
Feedback: (extend as needed)
Marked by:
Project Proposal – Feedback and Marks: Part three – (60%)
Student: Identifier:
Max obtainable Actual
Background, Motivation, Relevance, Sources of Knowledge
Computing context and previous research areas of interest and possible impact
A diagram outlining the relevant body of knowledge
Why you intend to do it, i.e. why the project is worthwhile and relevant to the student and to computing
What you intend to do, i.e. a brief summary of what activities will be undertaken in the project
How you will proceed, i.e. what research method/design you will use in order to achieve the aim and each objective.
Identification of relevant authors and journals,
Selection and justification of one relevant journal for possible publication of your work.
Scope, Objectives and Risk
The aim summarises what the project should achieve overall.
The SMART objectives, with outline of deliverables and measurement
criteria for quality
The project plans (Gantt and Monitoring and Control Table) and task lists should link back to the objectives and highlight, deliverables, resources, skills, time, millstones, methods to be used, costs of time and resources.
Risk management log using template provided
Ethics, Legal, Social, Security and Professional Consideration
A discussion which explores all of the issues that have to be considered covering each item in the above section title.
Academic style, spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax Standard of referencing style
Confirmation of ethics forms authorisation or comment on
authorisation pending. (delete as appropriate and if necessary extend the section for further comments. ) Low (signed and agreed)
Medium (signed and agreed)
High (Pending approval)
Other comments:
Feedback: (extend as needed)
Marked by:


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