Summary #2: Paris, Texas For this assignment, view and review carefully the film Paris. Texas — w ritten by Sam Shepard, directed by Wim Wenders, and adapted for the screen by L. M. “Kit” Carson — and write a summary or plot synopsis of this film. Optional: If you wish, in addition to the film itself you can also read the continuity script for Paris. Texas written by Sam Shepard and Wim Wenders, which can be found on the website C’inephilia & Beyond [ paris-tcxas-w im-wcndcrs-film-cxtrao

Summary #2: Paris, Texas
For this assignment, view and review carefully the film Paris. Texas — w ritten by Sam Shepard, directed by Wim Wenders, and adapted for the screen by L. M. “Kit” Carson — and write a summary or plot synopsis of this film.
Optional: If you wish, in addition to the film itself you can also read the continuity script for Paris. Texas written by Sam Shepard and Wim Wenders, which can be found on the website C’inephilia & Beyond [ paris-tcxas-w im-wcndcrs-film-cxtraordinary-beauty-irresistibility/ J. though reading this continuity script is entirely optional for you. (The continuity script has scenes and dialogue that Wenders did not include in the final cut of the film. Please also be aw are that in a few places this continuity script contains some offensive ethnic epithets that are not used in the film.)
In creating your summary, or plot synopsis, be sure to do the following:
►Explain that this is a “road movie”, and provide a definition of what a road movie is.
►Provide a brief sketch of each of the main characters: Travis. Walt. Anne. Hunter, and Jane.
►Describe the setting(s) of the story — both the time that the story appears to be set in. as well as the physical location(s) the action of the story occurs in. The main settings arc Tcrlingua in West Texas, the landscape on the drive between West Texas and Los Angeles, suburban Los Angeles, downtow n Houston and the “Keyhole Club” in a rough neighborhood somew here in Houston, and the small town of Nordhcim. Texas.
► Explain the method of narration of the movie — that is. from w hose perspective do we see the events of the film, and in w hat order do we see them? (Him: The narration is third- person. and we see the story unfold in a straight chronological line. The continuity script has flashbacks, but Wenders did not include in the film these flashbacks of Travis’s experiences in Mexico.)
►Explain any historical or cultural background that needs to be understood in order to understand the events within and meaning of the story.
►Provide a sense of the basic plot of the story.
Mechanics of your summary: Your summary should be at least 750 words (three typewritten pages, more or less), and must be typed and double-spaced. Use a standard typeface. 11 – or 12-point type, and 1-inch margins all around. I w ill grade your summary’ both for your accuracy and thoroughness in summarizing Wenders* film (and Shepards story) and for the quality of your prose. You must submit your summary on Blackboard in one of the following file formats: doc. doex. or pdf. (I prefer pdf files.)

The post Summary #2: Paris, Texas For this assignment, view and review carefully the film Paris. Texas — w ritten by Sam Shepard, directed by Wim Wenders, and adapted for the screen by L. M. “Kit” Carson — and write a summary or plot synopsis of this film. Optional: If you wish, in addition to the film itself you can also read the continuity script for Paris. Texas written by Sam Shepard and Wim Wenders, which can be found on the website C’inephilia & Beyond [ paris-tcxas-w im-wcndcrs-film-cxtrao first appeared on


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