You have completed a research proposal as part of your OTHM Level 7 diploma, and you may decide to use this as a basis for your Consultancy Project. Whether or not you decide to do so or start afresh, you are required to submit a summary proposal of approximately 500 words (+/- 10%), which must be approved by your supervisor and comply with the University of Chichesterethical guidelines.
Although this is not a long document, serious thought should be given to the content. A good project proposal will save hours of work during the programme as it will develop initial focus for your project report.
Your project proposal will be reviewed by your Supervisor prior to you commencing Week 1 of your programmeIt is at the discretion of your Supervisor as to when the proposal is fit for purpose and your registration with the university can be completed.
We advise you to have most of this in place (as an initial draft) prior to the induction week so you can commence on time – that will allow you to take part in the workshop (webinar) sessions as opposed to catching up.
Consultancy Project Topic/ Title
Provisional topic and title for the report.
Project Description
Please explain the problem, issue or opportunity that the research will try to address. You need to give evidence to support your explanation – for example, if the research is going to be about staff absenteeism, provide evidence of the current rate of absenteeism, how this compares with relevant sector rates, whether the problem is getting worse, what consequences there are for the business (direct costs and wider impacts on staff and customers) etc.
Please include a summary of relevant factual background necessary for the reader to understand the proposed topic, such as what the organisation does, location, size, profitability, etc.
Core Literature
Please list the sources you have already found which will be key for your research.
Aim and objectives
Please set out the overall aim of the research in one sentence, with supporting objectives for the background research/literature review, primary research and recommendations.
Methodology and Data Resources
Please indicate the proposed method, including the planned sample size and whether you have confirmed access to the chosen organization (s).
Data Collection Approach
Please summarise the data collection methods to be applied
Data Analysis Approach / Method
Please summarise the data analysis methods to be applied
Ethical Considerations
Please highlight any specific ethical issues that may be of concern, such as the research involves people aged under 18, or deception of research participants. Otherwise, explain how you will address ethical matters
Referencing system to be used
Confirm use of recognized Referencing Systems e.g. Harvard including an expectation for appropriate in-text citations
Confirmation of Originality
Please confirm that this project and the final report will be your own work and will not be copied, written by another, or plagiarised. Should this be suspected, the work will be referred to the University of Chichester in line with item 8E of the Academic Regulations