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Case studies are a useful tool to study fire investigation. It allows us to see how the theoretical knowledge has real world application. In this course we will look at the response and investigation of infamous fires and emergencies. Instructions: In 2003 a fire broke out at The Station Nightclub in West Warwick, RI. Pyrotechnics from the band “The Great White’s” stage show ignited soundproofing and spread rapidly throughout the packed nightclub. 100 were killed and it became the 4th deadliest nightclub fire in US history. •Research the Station Nightclub fire.

CRJ344 – Fire & Arson Investigation

Case Study – Station Nightclub Fire

Due Date: 11:59 p.m. EST, Sunday of Unit 6
Points: 100


Case studies are a useful tool to study fire investigation. It allows us to see how the theoretical knowledge has real world application. In this course we will look at the response and investigation of infamous fires and emergencies.


In 2003 a fire broke out at The Station Nightclub in West Warwick, RI. Pyrotechnics from the band “The Great White’s” stage show ignited soundproofing and spread rapidly throughout the packed nightclub. 100 were killed and it became the 4th deadliest nightclub fire in US history.

•Research the Station Nightclub fire.

•Summarize the details of the fire.

o Investigations conducted subsequent to the fire.

o Mitigating factors that increased the significance of this fire. o What caused this fire to start and then spread?

o What caused this fire to kill so many people?

Mitigating factors that cause such a high fatality count. o If undetermined, what are possible sources of ignition?
o Pretend you are the initial investigator assigned to this case. Because of its scale what other agencies would you want to assist you in the investigation?

Investigations conducted subsequent to the fire
oShould building owners be held responsible for situations they create (ie overcrowding, blocked exits) even if they are not responsible for why the fire started? Should they be civilly liable? What about criminally?
oWhat were the criminal and civil ramifications of the Station Nightclub Fire?

Any pending criminal indictments or civil suits resulting from the fire.


•Minimum three pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference page.

•APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced works.

•At least two resources.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric for Case Study – Station Nightclub Fire Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Proficient Exemplary
(0-38 points) (39-51 points) (52-64 points) (65 points)
Content Does not cover Does not do an Sufficient Provides in-depth
the assigned adequate job of coverage of the coverage of the
topic; assertions covering the topics; most topics, assertions
are not supported assigned topic; assertions are are clearly
by evidence; assertions are supported by supported by
paper is seriously weakly supported evidence. evidence.
lacking in content by evidence.
and detail.
(0-5 points) (6-7 points) (8-9 points) (10 points)
Resources No resources Includes at least 1 Includes at least 2 Includes more
included. resource. resources. than 2 resources.
Paper Length Less than one Does not meet the Meets the Exceeds the
page. Does not minimum page minimum minimum
meet page requirements. requirements. requirements.
(0-8 points) (9-11 points) (12-14 points) (15 points)
Clear and Errors impede Significant errors Few errors that do Writing and format
Professional professional that do not impede not impede are clear,
Writing and APA presentation; professional professional professional, APA
Format guidelines not presentation. Sev presentation. Few compliant, and
followed. APA eral errors in the errors in the APA error free.
references/citation APA reference/citation.
s have significant reference/citation.


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