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LOG323: Trade Finance Question 1 Technological breakthroughs have changed the ways businesses are conducted in the trade financing industry. (a) Identify three (3) fintech companies in this space. Show how they are changing the trade finance industry and differentiate their key selling points from each other. (b) Illustrate how technol

LOG323: Trade Finance

Question 1

Technological breakthroughs have changed the ways businesses are conducted in the trade financing industry.

(a) Identify three (3) fintech companies in this space. Show how they are changing the trade finance industry and differentiate their key selling points from each other.

(b) Illustrate how technological breakthroughs in two (2) industries of your choice (excluding automotive and home streaming entertainment discussed in class) affect their business models/consumer behaviors and, as a consequence, their fundamental needs for trade financing.

Question 2

Choose an organization/industry that can either be where you are currently working or one you are familiar with.

(a) Demonstrate the steps that you as a Seller will take to implement Letter of Credit (L/C) as part of your trade financing strategy and analyze why it is important to use L/C to mitigate risks in trading with the Buyer from a different geographic location.

(b) Contrast differences between L/C and Documentary Collection (D/C) and recommend the circumstances under which you may choose to use D/C instead of L/C.


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