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UCAM/CIQ/203: Operations Management Scenario:The learner is acting as Chief Operation Officer (COO) of operation and project for a chosen organization in an emerging economy, particularly in the Middle East (ME) region. Currently, the chosen organization is attempting to (a) enhance its global operation from ME to Europe and (b) develop artificial intelligence capabilities to build competitiveness in the corporate business strategy. The learner is required to explore

UCAM/CIQ/203: Operations Management

Scenario:The learner is acting as Chief Operation Officer (COO) of operation and project for a chosen organization in an emerging economy, particularly in the Middle East (ME) region. Currently, the chosen organization is attempting to (a) enhance its global operation from ME to Europe and (b) develop artificial intelligence capabilities to build competitiveness in the corporate business strategy.

The learner is required to explore operations strategy/principles, the impact of adopting lean strategies on supply chain networks, developing a project management plan, and building quality systems to build operational competitiveness.

The report should include the following:

1. Introduction of the Chosen Organization is required. The student must then highlight the principles of operation management that they think are most important to their business organization. These principles must be justified. The operations strategy of the firm must be discussed explaining how it transforms the input as value-added output (product & services). Finally, briefly discuss at least three operational challenges the firm is now experiencing.

2. A review of the operations strategy of the organization, exploring the current and long-term solution to address the challenges the firm is experiencing. The solutions must discuss the internal and external influences that would have led to the need for such action. Drawing from the experiences of other organizations here would add value to your answer.

3. Supply chain management, like other business functions, is a supporting arm of the operations strategy. Here the student must explore at least 3 SCM strategies which are likely to contribute to a successful and or more profitable enterprise. Each recommendation must be justified, considering the current position of the organization. Again, we encourage students to draw from the examples of other firms, sharing their experiences in relation to the question.

4. Students must discuss quality management approaches, highlighting various ways, through examples, in which a quality mindset can add value to the operations at their chosen organization. Students are required to explore several quality managements tools (both offline and online) in the discussion, while exploring quality’s contribution towards a leaner enterprise. Even though you are writing in the context of the organization, you are encouraged to draw from the examples of other firms, sharing their experiences in relation to the question.

5. Discuss how an AI (big data driven) platform can further enhance the overall business operations. You must also discuss the business exposure and risks such initiatives could have on the operations strategy of your organization proposing workable solutions to address them. Even though you are writing in the context of the organization, you are encouraged to draw from the examples of other firms, sharing their experiences in relation to the question.

The post UCAM/CIQ/203: Operations Management Scenario:The learner is acting as Chief Operation Officer (COO) of operation and project for a chosen organization in an emerging economy, particularly in the Middle East (ME) region. Currently, the chosen organization is attempting to (a) enhance its global operation from ME to Europe and (b) develop artificial intelligence capabilities to build competitiveness in the corporate business strategy. The learner is required to explore first appeared on essaypanel.com.


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