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Health And Safety CultureSocial Media Marketing Business Level 8 Assessment Task Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task. Social media is revolutionizing the marketing world, with digital marketing and technology transforming the way we do business. The emergence of social media provides a new platform

Health And Safety CultureSocial Media Marketing

Business Level 8

Assessment Task

 Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task.

 Social media is revolutionizing the marketing world, with digital marketing and technology transforming the way we do business. The emergence of social media provides a new platform for developing brand-consumer relationships. Organisations need to adapt to a new way of doing things, the old methods of brand building may not be relevant in today’s environment.

Students are required to write an individual paper addressing the following questions.

  1. Critically evaluate how the role of branding has been transformed with the growth of social media. Analyse how organisations have adapted to changes in both customers’ demands and wider social and cultural challenges.

Please note this question has a broad scope to allow students to showcase topics discussed in class and incorporate wider research. There are many areas that may be included such as content marketing, storytelling, UGC, brand voice etc. A critical analysis is essential for a comprehensive piece of work required for Level 8 

  1. Using your business idea from Business Planning Module develop a social media campaign that could be used in the early days of your startup include in your plan a brief outline of your product/service. Also include:
  2. 3 social media objectives
  3. Identify your target audience (incl. 2 personas)
  • Outline key branding message and brand voice
  1. Identify and justify2 social media platforms you have chosen
  2. Give a brief outline of content you may use – justify your choice.
  3. Develop a social media mood board on Pinterest or Canva for your business idea (minimum 8 pins) and insert the link into your Instagram bio.
  • Social media analytics you may use in the early stages of your start up.

3. Design and create an Instagram Business page for your start up (Include bio, business profile picture, story highlights, and post a minimum of 10 posts) Be creative and remember your branding strategy. Simply insert the link to your Instagram account in this question.

The post Health And Safety CultureSocial Media Marketing Business Level 8 Assessment Task Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task. Social media is revolutionizing the marketing world, with digital marketing and technology transforming the way we do business. The emergence of social media provides a new platform first appeared on essaypanel.com.


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