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Children’s Book Discussion Board | My Assignment Tutor

Children’s Book Discussion Board1717 unread replies.1717 replies. Go to a public library or a commercial bookstore and visit the children’s book section. Spend some time looking at different books written for children between the ages of 3 and 8, beginning readers. Choose a book to critique. Through the eyes of an early childhood expert (and not as a child or a parent), address the following questions as they relate to the book you select to critique. Keep in mind that the book you select will influence the thoroughness of your critique, so choose carefully. What is the title and who is the author of the book? Provide a brief summary of the story in the book with enough detail that your classmates will have an idea about the characters and plot in the book. Take a picture of the book if you can. Provide examples of ways in which this book encourages language development. Provide examples of ways in which this book encourages cognitive development. Provide examples of ways in which this book encourages moral or social development. Would you recommend this book to parents? Based on your description, write a justification for your decision that the book you selected would or would not be a good book for a child to read (or have read to him/her).Attached File:


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