OPO4000 Consumer Behaviour- new knowledge obtained from this unit


Assessment details

To complete this assessment, undertake the following steps.

Step 1

Think of a situation that has occurred within the last two years where you were involved in developing a pitch of some description. Ideally, your chosen situation is a project-based pitch, however, if you have not been involved in a project pitch, then perhaps consider the following instead:

• the development of a business case for a new business
• the development of a new business line within an existing business
• a new event, such as a concert
•  a proposed event for a charity to raise money, for example, a gala dinner.

Step 2

Prepare a reflective essay evaluating the pitch you have chosen Step 1. Your essay should follow the following structure as a guide:

1. Explain the experience, including key background information that assists in providing the necessary context.

2. Reflect on the experience while considering new knowledge obtained from this unit (discussions, literature, Moodle content etc.) along with other similar experiences or pitches you are aware of.

3. Identify and describe what might have been done to improve the pitch and/or reception.

A common frame for reflective writing incorporates the following questions (Driscoll, 2000):

1. What happened? (A brief description).
2. So what? (Why is it important? A brief interpretation).
3. What if? (How could you have managed it differently? An evaluation). 
4. Now what? (How will you address it? A further evaluation).
5. What’s next? (What will you do differently next time? Recommendations). 

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