11488 Security and Support in IT- computer security but have a general understan


1. Suppose you are responsible for the IT infrastructure of an organization, which has about 15 desktop computers. You are advised that automation for uniformity is a good solution. What does it mean by “automation for uniformity”? Why is it a good solution in principle? Will you implement a fully automatic system in this case of yours? Why or why not?

2. Please summarise the technologies used in server computers to improve reliability, availability, and performance.

3. Please summarise the “Scope of Coverage” of a Helpdesk operation.

4. Suppose that you are responsible for the IT department of a university with students around the world. It is infeasible to meet each student in person. The IT department is responsible for all secure communication with the students. Assume that there is a trusted certificate authority which can securely issue certificates to all involved parties. Please explain:

• Why the trusted certificate authority is essential to establish a secure communication? What role does it play in the secure communication between the IT department and the students?

• From time to time, your department, on behalf of the University, makes public announcements. The announcements are of public nature and can be shared and transmitted by any interested parties, say, prospective students. How would you guarantee the authenticity of your announcements? It is not a solution to publish the announcement on a website for students to compare and decide if the received copies are the same as the web copies

5.  Please write a summary to briefly explain to senior managers, who know very little on computer security but have a general understanding of IT, on what a buffer overflow problem is and what the consequences of a buffer overflow problem could cause..

What programming techniques the software development team should adopt to avoid buffer overflow problems in the software it develops 

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