HI5013 Managing Across Borders Management


Question 1

You are recently employed as a manager in the head office of a Western fast-food chain multi-national enterprise, which is looking to expand into new markets in developing countries and take market share away from the competitors. You have recently been included as a member of a high-level strategic planning committee, which will play a key role in developing the company’s future strategy and direction. You have been invited to offer your considered opinions at the next meeting.

In the context of strategic planning, discuss the strategic options you will present at the meeting. Answer this question in not more than 400 words.

Question 2

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of entering a foreign market for an organisation with examples? Explain the Uppsala Model and its function in the context of internationalization.

Question 3

As the expatriate manager of a local subsidiary of a western multi-national enterprise, located in Southeast Asia, you have just been given some disappointing news. Based on recent sales revenue results reported by head office, your business unit will be closed and your team will be disbanded unless you can demonstrate a 30% improvement in sales over the next twelve (12) months. As a popular leader and respected manager, you want to prevent the closure of your business unit.

What motivation and leadership strategies and techniques are required from you to prevent the closure of your business unit? In your response, discuss the likely cultural variables and the relevant motivational theories you will need to consider.

Question 4

As a newly appointed Human Resources Director of a large multi-national enterprise, you have been asked to prepare a new human resource management (HRM) policy for the whole organisation.  Some senior managers and other colleagues have criticized the current human resources and employment policy as “too ethnocentric”.

Discuss the possible alternatives to the “ethnocentric approach” to HRM and state which approach you would recommend to be adopted in the new global HRM policy.

Question 5

Assume Boost Juice intends to expand their business to Asian market and Thailand is their first target market. Using your own knowledge and experience, please determine:

  • Which factors does Boost Juice need to consider/analyse before they formulate their strategy?
  • Which strategy should they develop in order to succeed in this market?

Question 6

Hofstede’s study provides a framework for understanding the underlying values in an organisation. Please explain Hofstede’s model in detail and give examples.

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