Health and Medicine
- Write a list of the places where you seek advice and/or information when you are sick. Do you consult difference sources for difference kinds of sickness? Who do you trust? What is the difference between information learned in the family and information learned from a doctor, teacher, or friend?
- What is the difference in economic organization between health care systems based on private insurance and those based in government institutions? You will have to do some research into how other countries fund their healthcare systems. What are the pros and cons of each arrangement?
You will summarize, evaluate, and review the TED talks.
Rebecca Onie: What If Our Healthcare System Kept Us Healthy
- In the evaluation section, you need to make a connection from the lecture to the TED Talk. Point out key concepts in the video you learned in the class or point out when the speaker was using their sociological imaginations. I want sociology here!
- In the review, you can cover: What do you agree with? Disagree with? Remember, if you don’t agree, you will need to give me some factual basis on which you have based your opinions. This is notthe place to put your life experiences. Remember, just because you experience something does not make it a universal truth.