Design of Usable [Health] SystemsCS981/CS548OVERVIEW OF DESIGN ASSESSMENTThis assessment will teach students how to apply practical user-centered technology design skills fromrequirements gathering and analysis through to prototyping and evaluation.By completing this assessment (and each lab and set of online activities associated with it) the studentwill be able to understand and apply:• research and business skills and methods required to take a product through the entire design /development lifecycle• design principles, approaches and methods• gathering design requirements from stakeholders and prioritising them• designing for good User Interfaces (UIs) and User Interaction and Experience (UX)• creating low (storyboarding) and medium (interactive) fidelity prototypes• planning evaluations with real users• conducting usability evaluationsYou will be assessed 100% via the coursework which runs from week 1 through to week 11 (Final handin Monday of week 12).The final deliverable comprises:1. Analysis of the Design Challenge [10%] – Presentation – week 42. Demo of your final high-fidelity prototype [10%] – week 113. Design Report and Artefacts [60%] – week 124. The Final Interactive Prototype [20%] – week 12DESIGN BRIEFYou have been asked to design a product, digital service, system or application that addressedone of the following topics: TOPICCLIENT/CUSTOMER1Long-term condition management (e.g. Diabetes, Cancer, COPD)DHI2Healthy ageing and frailtyDHI3Future Care at Home and in the CommunityDHI4Service issues in Health and Care: demand and capacitymanagementDHI5Digital skills and workforce development in Health and CareDHI6Physical activity for Healthy and Active LifestylesAlison Kirk7Improving Lives of People with Sensory ImpairmentMarilyn Lenon8Maintaining Mental WellbeingDiane PenningtonSELF PROPOSED TOPICStudent Note – You must submit your topic choice via MyPlace by 5pm Tuesday week 2 for approval/sign off.During weeks 2 and 3 you will be conducting desk-based research and requirements analysis to understandthe users, and the use cases for your proposed app BEFORE you design or build anything.You should collaborate with people in the class during this analysis and discovery phase but this should bedocumented well as it will appear in your final report. The final report and any outputs should be all yourown individual work.Analysis of the Design Challenge[Presentation – week 4, 10%]You should prepare between 1 and 8 slides (3 mins max) to describe and justify (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)the problem you are addressing,what stakeholders are important for your product/system design,who your end users will be and what this means for design,what the key proposed function/features are of your system or application andwhat problems/issues these address You should NOT be presenting the solution at this stage (you will do this much later on).Instead you should present a very clear and convincing summary of the desk-basedrequirements and analysis you conducted in weeks 2 and 3 to understand the problem, theusers, and the context of use for your proposed system.You should start to collect and show the outputs from these design analysis exercises(stakeholder maps, personas, task analysis, service maps, etc.) but you DO NOT HAVE TOshow all of these in the presentation for week 4.The full outputs from week 2 and week 3 analysis activities (design artefacts) will be directlyassessed separately in the final report due in week 12.The Marking scheme is as follows (0 to 10 marks available = 10%)• Student clearly explains and justifies the problem domain / design space they areaddressing [2]• Student clearly explains the various key stakeholders who are interested in or mightinfluence their product/system design [2]• Student clearly explains who their target users are and what challenge this solves forthem [2]• Clarity of verbal presentation [2]• Good use of slide/visuals [2]The presentation should last no longer than 3 mins in total (You cannot exceed 3 mins ormarks will be deducted). You will lose 1 mark for every minute you go over your 3 mins.After 5 mins you will be asked to stop, marks capped at 50% (5 marks) and assessed onwhat you managed to present.Demo of high-fidelity prototype[demo of prototype in the labs in week 11, 20%]The final high-fidelity prototype should be played/clicked through/demonstrated clearlyusing a screengrab software or a narrated slide show of the click thru in action. It should besubmitted in week 11.You should show your interactive prototype rather than static screenshots or images orsketches as the functionality will be assessed.Marks are given for:– Making clear the purpose and intended use and users for the app [4 marks]– Visual and/or physical design (look and feel) and user Interface (UI) [4 marks]– the interactive features and how they work and are illustrated [12 marks]Note – the marks here are for a clear and effective interactive demonstration.Design Report and Artefacts[Submitted via MyPlace in week 12 (Monday 6th Dec) – 80%]Submit a folder including: (i)(ii)Final high-fidelity prototype (20%)Written report in word/pdf (60%)– with additional design artefacts/outputs Final high-fidelity prototype[submitted in folder with report in week 12, 20%]The final high-fidelity prototype should be an executable file that is interactive. It could alsobe a clickable interactive simulation of the application, its look and feel, and its behaviours.If your prototype is a physical device or product you still need to be able to demonstrate theinteractive features. You can do this through the use of animation, video, Wizard of Oz orphysical prototyping. Marks are given for the visual and physical design (look and feel) andalso the interactive features and design choices made.Note – the marks here are for a well-illustrated/simulated and interactive prototype includinggood use of audio and or textual annotations.You might therefore choose to include all of the following files. For example:1 – the link to the click thru app (mandatory)2 – a video or voice over of the app in action3 – an annotated set of screen shots indicating key functionality and featuresImagine a customer or client would be clicking through this prototype to make finaldecisions or whether to commission or further develop the app after this design prototype isshown to them. They must be able to understand what it does and how it behaves from thefinal files that you submit without reading the report.Written Design Report (60%)1. Introduction to the Design Challenge [5 marks]Include a clear statement of what problem of area of health or wellness you are designing for[1 mark]. Do not propose a solution at this stage in the report.Highlight what problem exists [1 mark] for who [1 mark] and why it might be worth solving/whatwill change if you address the problem with technology [2 marks].This should be approx. between 150 and 350 word textual summary.2. Analysis of the problem space [10 marks]The analysis section of the report should include a systematic and insightful analysis of (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)the stakeholders involvedthe users and their needs, capabilities and goalscontext of useany business / service requirements for the system/product/application;technical/system/infrastructure requirements. Requirements/Design Methods/Tools to use in this section include:Stakeholder Mapping/AnalysisUser profiles/PersonasTask AnalysisUse CasesService/Process Maps or JourneysMarket or Competitor Analysis3. Formal Requirements Specification [5 marks]• This section should include a synthesised and clearly presented table of functional and nonfunctional requirements. [2 marks]• They should be derived/linked to the analysis in section 2 and the user testing carried out on theearly prototypes. [1 mark] •They should be prioritised in some way (ease of implementation, cost, importance).[1 mark] • If any requirements have been added/removed/changed because of any Design or Testing stagesthen you should indicate this clearly in the table (colour coding, annotations, extra column) andexplain/justify the design change/iteration clearly. [1 mark]4. Prototyping and Design Approach [20 marks]This section should present a clear overall design approach [2.5 marks]What was your overall approach to design and prototyping?How many stages/phases?What was the aim of each stage?What was the output of each stage?How did the outputs from one stage lead into each other stage?The report should:Describe clearly how you implemented your prototypes at the different design stages (sketchesthrough to working prototype): Low fidelity Prototypes – sketches and storyboards.Are they clear – are they annotated?[5 marks] Could someone clearly make out design features and design choices by looking at them?High fidelity prototype – you should include annotated screenshots to explain design features andany design choices made between the requirements, prototyping and user testing phases. Are theypresented and annotated in a way that people can understand what the app does and why?[ 5 marks]Reflect on the advantages or disadvantages of the approaches you used at each stage of design[2.5 marks]Note – the interactive prototype should also be submitted separately as a file as it is worth 20 marksalone in addition to this explanation in the report. – see above.5. Evaluation [10 marks]Describe how you evaluated your prototypes through the design stages.a. Aims and objectives [ 2 marks]What you are evaluating for/what are you measuring?b. Methods [4 marks]How you evaluated, with who, what data did you collect?For example by (i) testing a hypothesis, (ii) conducting an analyticalevaluation/walkthrough with experts/stakeholders, (iii) by gathering qualitativefeedback from users via an interview or survey, (iv) by conducting analyticalevaluations using persona.c. Findings [4 marks]What data did you end up with?How did you analyse or treat/interpret this data?What did this evaluation tell you about your app that you did not know before?Present your data/findings in an insightful, analytical, and transparent way.6. Conclusions and Future Work [5 marks]Discuss/present opportunities for future system development and further design andevaluation iterations based on your existing prototype and evaluation findings. How might youcontinue to evaluate and improve the design if you were to continue to develop the system?7. Overall Presentation and Clarity [5 marks]Total = 60 for reportYou should use these headings (numbered 1-7) as sections/chapter in your report. You can ofcourse deviate from this if you can think of more helpful headings but please check this with thetutor – and make sure that you are still covering all the criteria presented in this brief.*** Your report should be no longer than 8000 words.Additional Design Artefacts*** You should include design outputs (artefacts) in the main report when they are critical to design(figures and tables do not count in word count). If you have an excessive number ofsketches/outputs then consider putting some in appendices. If you do this remember to sign post thereader to them clearly in the text in the main report.You can also include these as files inside the folder along with the report itself. Name each fileappropriately for example:Persona_Bill_Dementia.jpgPrototype 1_sketchB.pptWireframe2_Mapfeature.xdPatientScenario1.mp4TIPSOutputs and Activities from each lab each week need to be saved as you go along.Many of these outputs, documents, tables or diagrams will make good material/evidence ofanalysis, design and prototyping stages in the final report.Label ALL figures and tables in the report clearly.