O urcourses.uregina.ca r. * iv • –society. I argued that the implementation of a strip club in Regina was not a progressive move for our community.I asked myself the following question: What information do I need to effectively argue whether or not opening a strip club was a positive or negative move for Regina?As a former crime analyst, I studied scholarly information to support my argument. I first examined the broader issue and negative consequences associated to the sex trade including stripping. My work as a former crime analyst along with my research indicated a strong correlation between the sex trade (including stripping) and organized crime.Let’s consider some information.Read the Globe and Mail article regarding the sex trade/trafficking:From the Globe and Mail: The Trafficked: How sex trafficking works in Canada – https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/the-trafficked-how-sex-trafficking-works-in-canada/article28700689/? utm_source=Shared+Article+Sent+to+User&utm_medit mail,Newsletters+/-FE-Blasts+/+etc.&utm_campaign=Shared+Web+Article+LirHuman Traffickine.