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MIS101 Information Systems for Business – My Assignment Tutor

ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEFSubject Code and TitleMIS101 Information Systems for BusinessAssessmentAssignment – Mathematics for ComputingIndividual/GroupIndividualLength1500 words (+/- 10%)Learning OutcomesThe Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successfulcompletion of the task below include:a) Identify and explain components of information system forbusiness.b) Demonstrate an understanding of computing relatedmathematics.SubmissionDue by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 4.2(Week 8)Weighting40%Total Marks100 Task SummaryUsing your understanding of computer number system and logic, answer the questions provided.ContextComputer systems only understand binary numbers. The CPU, the main component inside acomputer system, makes logical decision based on binary numbers. In Modules 3 and 4, you learnedabout computing mathematics and logic. This assessment focuses on your understanding of thenumber system and logic in computers.Task InstructionsRead the questions carefully and give clear and precise answers. You should start with a title page, andthen a very short introduction about your work. Please do not forget to include the references list in theend of your work. Please do not forget to include the AI declaration after your title page.Question 1:a) Choose a sentence of no more than 25 characters containing your name (Example: ‘Kyle is inhighschool.’ Identify the ASCII code for each character; identify its decimal representation and thenconvert it into its equivalent binary number. Please make sure to demonstrate how you arrivedto the results, by elaborating on at least 1-2 conversions. What are the steps you have applied?What information is needed for your conversions? (10 marks).b) Convert the binary sequence (identified in part ‘a’) back to characters. Again, you need todemonstrate for at least 1-2 conversions, and then show the results for all the converted binarysequence. (5 marks).c) Show the hexadecimal representation of each character in the selected sentence. You can useeither conversion method, and elaborate on the conversion processes, for at least 1 or 2 of thecharacters. (5 marks). MIS101_Assessment 2_Brief_Assignment_Module 4.2 Page1 of 6 MIS101_Assessment 2_Brief_Assignment_Module 4.2 Page2 of 6Question 2:Select an everyday real-life problem that requires two inputs. You can choose anything fromyour studies, workplace, device functionalities, laws, etc. Once selected, represent it using atruth table. Explain the possible outcomes. Represent your problem using a logic diagram. Theexample has to be relevant and correct (something that will have different outcomes fromdifferent combinations of the inputs). Please elaborate on your solution (20 marks).Question 3:Use the internet to investigate and explain what data transfer rate or speed is. Please use references tosupport your discussion (10 marks).Question 4:How is the concept of Set Theory applied to Relational Databases? Give two examples and explain therelevant with set theory of the taken examples. Please note that just explaining the set theory, or/andRelational Databases, will not be enough to score well in this question. Please use references (10 marks).Question 5:Identify and explain at least two applications of hexadecimal numbers in modern computing.Please support your discussion with external references (10marks).Question 6:Consider the following scenario:The three inputs which affect the outcome of a business are:1. the management is good2. employees are satisfied3. people are hard-workingIf the management is not good, the organisation will be in loss. If management is good andemployees are satisfied but they do not work hard, then the organisation will be in loss. If themanagement is good but the employees are not satisfied, then the business will break-even. If allthree conditions are satisfied, then the organisation will be in profit.Analyse all the three scenarios and identify the inputs and outputs to a process which decides allthe different outcomes/scenarios. Show this in the form of truth tables and logic diagrams for eachof the scenarios. Hint: To convert the truth tables into logic diagrams, the easiest way is to convertfirst into a Boolean expressions, and then into logic diagrams (30 marks). MIS101_Assessment 2_Brief_Assignment_Module 4.2 Page3 of 6ReferencingIt is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see moreinformation on referencing here: http://library.laureate.net.au/research_skills/referencingSubmission InstructionsPlease submit ONE Word document (.doc or .docx) via the Assessment 2 section found in the mainnavigation menu of the MIS101 Blackboard site.Academic Integrity DeclarationI declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task ismy own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policyand Procedure viewable online at http://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-formsI am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do soaccordingly. MIS101_Assessment 2_Brief_Assignment_Module 4.2 Pageof6 4 Assessment Rubric Assessment QuestionsFail0-49%Pass50-64%Credit65-74%Distinction75-84%High Distinction85-100%1-a Choose a sentence of no more than 25characters containing your name. Identifythe ASCII code for each character; identifyits decimal representation and then convertit into its equivalent binary number.Percentage: 10% The solution isincorrect. The solution ispartially correct.No explanationis provided. The solution islargely correct,but more clarityis required. The solution is correctand somehowexplained. The solution is correct andexplained clearly.1-b Convert the binary sequence back tocharacters.Percentage: 5% The solution isincorrect. The solution ispartially correct.No explanationis provided. The solution islargely correct,but more clarityis required. The solution is correctand somehowexplained. The solution is correct andexplained clearly.1-c Show the hexadecimal representationof each character in the selected sentence.Percentage: 5% The solution isincorrect. The solution ispartially correct.No explanationis provided. The solution islargely correct,but more clarityis required. The solution is correctand somehowexplained. The solution is correct andexplained clearly.2- Select an everyday real-life problem thatrequires two inputs. Once selected,represent it using a truth table. Explain thepossible outcomes. Represent your problemusing a logic diagram.Percentage: 20% The selected inputsare not correct. The selectedinputs arecorrect. The selected inputsare correct. The selectedinputs arecorrect andexplained. The selected inputs arecorrect and explainedvery well. The truth table hasnot beencompleted. The truth table isincorrect. The truth table iscorrect. The possibleoutcomes are notclear according tothe inputs. The possibleoutcomesare clearaccording to theinputs. The logic diagram isincorrect accordingtothe input andoutcomes. The logic diagram iscorrect according to theinput and outcomes. A clear explanation isgiven of the selectedproblem. MIS101_Assessment 2_Brief_Assignment_Module 4.2 Page5 of6 Assessment QuestionsFail0-49%Pass50-64%Credit65-74%Distinction75-84%High Distinction85-100%3- Use the internet to investigate andexplain data transfer rate or speed.Percentage: 10% The answer isincorrect. The answer ispartially correct. The answer islargely correct.References areused. The answer is correct.Good references areused. The answer is correct andclearly explained.Reliable references areused.4- How is the concept of set theory appliedto relational databases? Give twoexamples.Percentage: 10% The application ofset theory torelationaldatabases isincorrect. Examples are notgiven. The applicationof set theory torelationaldatabases ispartially correct. Examples are notgiven. The application ofset theory torelationaldatabases is largelycorrect. Two examples aregiven. The application of settheory to relationaldatabases is correctand clearly identifiedthrough examples. The use of externalresources is evident. The application of settheory to relationaldatabases is correct andclearly identified throughexamples. External resources areproperly referenced.5- Identify and explain at least twoapplications of hexadecimal numbers inmodern computing.Percentage: 10% The applications ofhexadecimalnumbers are notclearly identified. Two applicationsof hexadecimalnumbers areidentified. Two applications ofhexadecimalnumbers areclearly identified. Two applications ofhexadecimal numbersare clearly identified. The applications arerelated to moderncomputing. The use of externalresources isevident. Two applications ofhexadecimal numbers areclearly identified. The applications arerelated to computing andare very clearly explained. External resources areproperly referenced.6- Analyse the scenarios and identify theinputs and outputs for all the scenarios.Show this in the form of truth tables andlogic diagrams. Inputs and outputsare not clearlyidentified from thescenario. Inputs andoutputs areclearly identified. Inputs and outputsare clearlyidentified. Inputs and outputs areclearly identified. The correct format isused to name theinputs and outputs. Inputs and outputs areclearly identified, andexplained. The correct format isused to name theinputs and outputs. MIS101_Assessment 2_Brief_Assignment_Module 4.2 Page6 of6 Percentage: 30% The truth tablesare incorrect The truth tablesare completed bythe student, butnot all of themexplained. The truth tablesare correct withrespect to thegiven scenarios. The truth tables arecorrect with respect tothe given scenarios. The truth tables arecorrect with respect tothe given scenarios. The logic diagramswere notcompleted by thestudent. The logicdiagrams areincorrect. The logicdiagrams arepartially correct.More work isrequired inexplained thesolution. The logic diagramsare largely correct.There is an attemptto explain thesolution. The logic diagramsare correct andexplained well. Theprocess of creatingthe diagrams isexplained clearly. The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessmentSLO a)Identify and explain components of information system for business.SLO b)Demonstrate an understanding of computing related mathematics.


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