ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEFSubject Code and TitleMKTG6002/MKT600 MarketingAssessment 2Marketing PlanIndividual/GroupIndividualLength3000 words (+/- 10% excluding cover page, reference etc).Learning OutcomesThis assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes:a) Critically evaluate underpinning marketing theories andprinciples and appropriate research process to collect,store and use of data to generate customer insights;b)Critically evaluate customer needs to create value forcustomers by deploying the resources of the organisationin best possible ways;c)Critically evaluate the impact of an organisation’s marketingmix strategies on its stakeholders.SubmissionFor 12 weeks deliver – due on Friday at 11:55 pm(AEST/AEDT) by the end of week 10.For 6 weeks (intensive) delivery – due on Friday at 11: 55pm (AEST/AEDT) by the end of the week 5.Weighting50%Total Marks50 marks Objectives:• To enhance a clear understanding of the importance of marketing in modern businesspractices;• To develop a succinct understanding about marketing theories and their application indevising marketing strategies;• To critically analyse all relevant factors affecting the exchange process;• To enable developing insightful marketing strategies for a business.How the assessment fits into the subject/course:Marketing in the 21st century has evolved profoundly where developing winning marketingstrategies has been integral to businesses of all types in order to achieve its strategic objectives.This assessment provides students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and insightsdeveloped in the marketing subject to develop effective marketing strategies for a business, aproduct or a brand. Students are required to develop a complete marketing plan for their chosenorganisation’s product or the brand which they worked in the Assessment 1. The emphasis withinthis assessment should be placed on expanding various steps as recommended in the marketingplan template while the current marketing situation and threats and opportunities analysis to bebriefly discussed by summarising the discussion from the assessment 1.MKT600/ MKTG6002 _Assessment2_Marketing Plan Page 1 of 7Linkages between Assessments 1 and 2:This assessment builds on the assessment 1 therefore you should continue to work on thesame organisation. In assessment 1 you have addressed two (i.e. current marketing situationand threats and opportunity analysis) out of the eight steps of a marketing plan. In thisassessment you are required to develop a complete marketing plan for a product or a brandof your chosen organisation. Since the assessment 1 and 2 are interrelated so students in anysituation are not advised to change their organisation that they chose in the assessment1.Instructions:This assessment task builds on the Situation Analysis that you undertook in Assessment 1. Thisassessment task requires you to expand the remaining steps of the marketing plan to:• Articulate your learning about marketing theories, concepts and principles covered inthe course to demonstrate your level of understanding of them to develop amarketingplan;• Articulate the link between marketing theories and practices;• Demonstrate an acceptable level of research skills to reveal the insights;• Apply appropriate business report writing skills;• Demonstrate a logical flow and cohesiveness in the analysis and discussion.• Use the appropriate in text citation and a reference list in the end of your written work. Youshould provide at least 15 high quality marketing references to show quality of research.STRICTLY adhere to the APA style in referencing. Please see more information onreferencing here: assessment requires you to act like a consultant to help an organisation develop a winningmarketing strategy that intends to introduce a new product or expand its business/markets.Tasks:This assessment builds on the previous assessment, Situation Analysis of your chosenorganisation that you undertook in the assessment one. Therefore, you need to revisit yourassessment 1 and the feedback from your facilitator. Address the concerns, if there is any,indicated for your attention while summarising the discussion from the assessment 1 for thecurrent market situation and the opportunities and threats sections for your marketing plan(i.e., assessment 2). Then, develop a complete marketing plan for this assessment:1. Develop a marketing plan – The aspects that you should include are:a. Identify objectives and issues as well as marketing logic to create customer value;b. Segmentation, targeting and positioning as well as marketing mix strategies (i.e.,4ps/7ps);c. Action programmes – how marketing strategies will be turned into specific actions thatanswer What will be done? When will be done? Who will do it? and How much will itcost (budget)? and controls.MKT600/MKTG6002_Assessment2_Marketing Plan Page 2 of 7To start with this assessment –2. Outline the following steps:a. Define clearly the value proposition of your chosen organisation, product or the brand;b. Critically evaluate the overall situation of the organisation (should be summarised fromthe assessment 1) and suggest appropriate marketing mix strategies:c. Product – define the product attributes/features to reflect your value propositionsYou are advised to review the threes levels that are accompanied with a product and discussproduct line and mix strategies;d. Pricing – describe the pricing strategy (cost-based, value-based and competition) that youwould recommend to the senior management of the organisation and justify your choice;e. Distribution – outline the distribution strategies, you should discuss a specific distributionstrategy (s) – intensive, selective and exclusive. You also need to discuss channel strategies(i.e., direct and/or indirect, channel levels – single vs. multiple);f. Promotion – critically evaluate the promotion strategies you would recommend (i.e., pullvs. push). You also need to discuss promotional mix strategies (i.e., advertising,salesmanship, sale promotion, publicity and public relations) as well as media strategies.Please beware that your marketing strategies should be aligned with the key issues andobjectives and/or value proposition, the organisation’s mission and vision.g. Action programmes – explain how marketing strategies will be turned into specificaction programmes.h. Budget – provide a supporting marketing budget which is essentially a projected profitand loss statement.i. Control – outline the controls that will be used to monitor the progress.Submission Instructions:Submit your assignment via the Assessment two link in the main navigation menu in the Blackboard inMKT600/MKTG6002. Your Learning Facilitator will announce the specific due day, date and time for thesubmission. Please review the TUA overdue policy described in page 5, that applies a 10%deduction/day up to five days and then 0, through the link copied below: _Assessment2_Marketing Plan Page 3 of 7Learning Rubric: Assessment 2 AssessmentFail (Unacceptable)PassCreditDistinctionHigh Distinction(Functional)(Proficient)(Advanced)(Exceptional)Attributes0-49%50-64%65-74%75 -84%85-100%Limited understanding ofResembles a recall orSupports personal opinionDifferentiates betweenassertion of personalopinion and informationsubstantiated by robustevidence from theSystematically and criticallyEvaluation ofinformation gatheredto support themarketing plankey concepts required tosummary of key ideas.and informationdiscriminates betweensupport discussionsubstantiated by evidenceassertion of personalOften conflates/confusesfrom the research/courseopinion and informationConfuses logic andemotion. Informationtaken from reliablesources but without acomprehensiveanalysis or synthesis.assertion of personalmaterials.substantiated by robust10%opinion with informationInformation is taken from 15+evidence from thesubstantiated by evidencewith a demonstrable capacityto explain and apply relevantconcepts.Research/course materialsresearch/course materialsfrom the research/coursesources and extendedand extended reading.materials.reading.Information is taken from20+ sources with a welldemonstrated capacity toexplain and apply relevantconcepts.Information is taken fromAnalysis and evaluation do30+ sources with a highViewpoints of experts arenot reflect expertDemonstrate logical flowsthroughout the discussion.level oftaken as fact with littlejudgement, intellectualinterpretation/evaluationquestioning.independence, rigor andto develop aadaptability.Viewpoint of experts arecomprehensive criticalsubject to questioning.analysis or synthesis.Analysis and evaluationIdentifies gaps inreflect growing judgement,knowledge.intellectual independence,rigor and adaptability.Exhibits intellectualindependence, rigor, goodjudgement andadaptability.Report structure/formatReport structure/formatReport structure/format wasReport structure/formatReport structure/formatLogical and Compellingwas not consistent withwas professional andprofessional, original andwas very professional,was highly professional,Report StructureIndustryoriginal and was adequatelyconsistent with Industryoriginal and consistent withoriginal and consistent withpractices/standardsconsistent with Industrypractices/standardsIndustryIndustry20%practices/standardspractices/standardspractices/standards. MKT600/MKTG6002_Assessment2_Marketing Plan Page 4 of 7 Marketing Strategy ReportSome Marketing StrategyMarketing Strategy ReportAll Marketing StrategyAll Marketing Strategycomponents were notReport components werecomponents were adequatelyReport components wereReport components wereadequately identified.identified.identified.correctly identified.clearly and correctlyidentified.The report was poorlyThe report was sufficientlyThe report was wellThe report was very wellorganised.well organised.organised from beginning toorganised and orderly fromThe report was expertlyend.beginning to end.organised and orderly fromDevelopedDevelopedbeginning to end.ideas/recommendationsideas/recommendationsDeveloped specificDeveloped specificwith poor examples, data,with adequate examples,ideas/recommendations withideas/recommendations inDeveloped specificand/or, and/or experiences.good supporting examples,depth with appropriateideas/recommendations indata, and/or experiences.supporting examples, data,depth with strong andPoorly constructedReference List provided andand/or experiences.appropriate supportingReference List and/or nota variety of sourcesA correctly constructedexamples, data, andmeeting the APAaccessed in researchReference List provided and aA correctly constructed/or experiences.guidelines for referencing.meeting APA guidelines forvariety of sources accessed inReference List provided andreferencing.research meeting APAin-report citations ofA well-constructedguidelines for referencing.sources provided and aReference List provided andvariety of sources accessedin-report Citations ofin research meeting APAsources provided and aguidelines for referencing.wide variety of sourcesaccessed in researchmeeting APA guidelines forreferencing. Critically evaluates clientneeds with regards tothe marketsegmentation,targeting and positioningstrategiesSuperficiallyFairly evaluates andAdequately evaluatesThoroughly evaluatesCritically evaluates andevaluates andjustifies the selection ofand justifies theand justifies thejustifies the selectionjustifies the selectiontarget marketselection of targetselection of targetof target marketof target marketdemonstrating amarket demonstrating amarket demonstrating ademonstratingdemonstrating nosatisfactorygood understanding ofvery goodexcellentunderstanding of theunderstanding of thethe theories from theunderstanding of theunderstanding of the MKT600/MKTG6002_Assessment2_Marketing PlanPage 5 of 7 20%theories from thetheories from thesubject.theories from thetheories from thesubject.subject.Description of at leastsubject.subject.Description of marketDescription of at leasttwo market segmentsDescription of at leastDescription of three orsegments notone market segmentsprovided.three market segmentsmore market segmentsprovided.provided.Some efforts toprovided.provided.No efforts toVery little efforts tosubstantiate the targetTarget market hasTarget market has beensubstantiate thesubstantiate the targetmarket.been substantiate.substantiatedtarget good value propositionA well-stated valuecomprehensively.Value proposition isA satisfactory valuedifferentiating thepropositionA sophisticated valuevague.proposition from thedifferentiating from thedifferentiating theLittle or noA from thejustification of thejustification of theA good justification ofcompetitors.positioning strategypositioning strategythe positioning strategyA very goodreflecting little or noreflecting the links toreflecting the links to thejustification of theComprehensivelink to the entirethe entire analysis.entire analysis.positioning strategyjustification of theanalysis.reflecting the links topositioning strategyThe strategy forThe strategy forthe entire analysis.reflecting the links toThe strategy forcompetitive advantagecompetitive advantage isthe entire analysis.competitive advantageis satisfactory.sensible.The strategy fordoesn’t make sense.competitive advantageThe strategy foris sensible.competitive advantageis sensible and wellargued.Limited synthesis andDemonstrated analysisWell-developed analysisThoroughly developed andHighly sophisticated andCritically evaluatesanalysis.and synthesis of newand synthesis of new withcreative analysis of newcreative analysis of newthe impact of thewith existingexisting knowledge inwith existing knowledgewith existing knowledgeapplication ofStrategy ideasknowledge inevaluating the applicationand synthesis inin evaluating the MKT600/MKTG6002_Assessment2_Marketing Plan Page 6 of 7 marketing mix (the4Ps/7ps of marketing) tostakeholderspresented fail toevaluating theof marketing mix to theevaluating theapplication of marketinghave a foundation inapplication oftarget market.application of marketingmix to the target market.the market mix to themix to the target market.30%target market.Presents interestingPresents andstrategy ideas that havePresents and succinctlysuccinctly discussesPresents strategy ideasa good foundation in thediscusses sensible &concise, sensible &Marketing mixthat have a foundationmarket analysis.interesting strategyinteresting strategyvariables have notin the market analysis.ideas that have a veryideas that have a solidbeen outlinedgood foundation in thefoundation in theclearly.Marketing mixMarketing mix variablesmarket analysis.variables have beenhave been outlined.Marketing mixoutlined. However,However, they reflectMarketing mixvariables reflect corethey do not reflect theunclear connection tovariables reflect coremarketing strategieslink to the corethe core strategies toto form one intactstrategies.form one intactstrategy.strategy.Demonstrates limitedDemonstrates adequateDemonstrates consistentDemonstrates anConsistentlyFormulates effectiveawareness of contextawareness of contextawareness of contextadvanced and integrateddemonstrates aand innovativeand/or purpose of theand/or purpose of theand/or purpose of theunderstanding of contextsystematic and criticalrecommendationsassignment and/or theassignment and/or theassignment and/or theand/or purpose of theunderstanding of contextthat are justifiablespecific client’s need.specific client’s need.specific client’s need.assignment and/or theand purpose of thespecific client’s need.assignment and/or the20 %Fails to provideProvides standard,Provides goodspecific client’s need.recommendations thatstraightforward orrecommendations thatProvides advancedare reasonable and/orobviousreflect skilful analysis andrecommendationsProvides expertapplicable to therecommendations only.some original thinking.that reflect wellrecommendations thatorganisation.developed analysisreflect sophisticatedand original thinking.analysis, original thinkingand creativity. MKT600/MKTG6002 _Assessment2_Marketing Plan Page 7 of 7