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MIS501 Principles of Programming – My Assignment Tutor

MIS501_Assessment_2_Brief_Business Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 1 of 4Assessment TaskIn this assessment, you are required to undertake three tasks. For each task, it is required that you implementa Python program to solve a business problem presented in the business case.Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.ContextModule 1.1 to Module 4.1 covered many expressive programming syntax and powerful Python languagefeatures. Collectively, they can be used to create sophisticated programs to solve real business problems. In eachModule, we focused almost exclusively on particular language features or syntax taught in that Module. In thisassessment, you have the opportunity to put them all together.In contrast with the “toy” practical exercises in each Module, you are presented with close-to-real-life businessproblems and you are asked to develop programs to solve these problems. Sometimes, understanding thebusiness problems and the associated business rules is challenging in their own. The business logics sometimesneed to be determined/inferred/interpreted from the business case and business rules, which then need to beimplemented using a programming language. These are the challenges you will inevitably have to address in reallife. Therefore, the business case and the business rules in this assessment have been deliberated designed tobe convoluted and less straightforward. Understanding the case and the business problem is in itself an integralpart of the assessment.In this assessment, you will demonstrate the following skills and knowledge:– Grasp business requirements, rules and logics, and be able to translate them into programming code.– Implement programs in Python to solve business problems.– Design a program and illustrate the logic through flowcharts.Instructions1. Please read the case scenario and complete Task 1, 2 and 3 outlined in the attachedMIS501_Assessment 2_ Business Case Study Tasks document.2. All implementations must be in Python 3 (that is NOT Python 2). Programs implemented in a differentlanguage will be marked 0. Programs implemented in Python 2 will be capped at 50% of the availablemarks. ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEFSubject Code and TitleMIS501 Principles of ProgrammingAssessmentBusiness case studyIndividual/GroupIndividualLengthN/ALearning OutcomesThe Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion ofthe task below include:a) Synthesise the tenets of procedural programming into the objectoriented paradigm.b) Design and implement solutions using unified modelling language(UML) diagrams and coding to meet business needs.SubmissionDue by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 4.2.Weighting35%Total Marks100 marks MIS501_Assessment_2_Brief_Business Case Study_Module 4.2 Page 2 of 43. You may only use the language features and syntax taught in Module 1.1 through to Module 4.1. YouMUST NOT use any other language features beyond what was taught by Module 4.1. Penalties apply.4. You may implement the programs in any IDE of your choice.5. All programs should be provided with adequate and meaning comments.6. Follow Python Style Guide: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ReferencingIt is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see moreinformation on referencing here https://library.torrens.edu.au/academicskills/apa/toolSubmission InstructionsSubmit the following four files for this assessment in MIS501: Principles of Programming.o task1.py.o task2.py.o task3.py.o task3.docx.DO NOT zip these files into one file, submit individual files. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback viathe Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.Academic Integrity DeclarationI declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my ownwork. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedureviewable online at http://www.torrens.edu.au/policies-and-formsI am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.MIS501_Assessment_2_Brief_Business Case Study_Module Due 4.2 Page 3 of 4Assessment Rubric Assessment AttributesFail(Yet to achieve minimumstandard)0-49%Pass(Functional)50-64%Credit(Proficient)65-74%Distinction(Advanced)75-84%High Distinction(Exceptional)85-100%Task 1Determine InterimGrade LetterPercentage for thiscriterion = 30%The program is notimplemented in Python 3.Does not run and containsyntax errors. Completelyunrelated to the Task 1requirements.No Python script file (.py)is submitted (e.g.submission of a .txt or.doc file)The program demonstrates aworking understanding ofPython programming.Implemented in Python 3 andruns. Does not contain anysyntax errors. Generallysatisfies major functionalrequirements in Task 1.Contains some logical errors.Does not conform to Pythonprogramming style guide.The program demonstratesproficient skills in Pythonprogramming.Implemented in Python 3and runs. Does not containany syntax errors. Satisfiesalmost all functionalrequirements in Task 1, butfew minor functionalrequirements in Task 1 maynot have beenimplemented. In general,the program is logicallysound but may contain veryminor logical errors.Conforms to Pythonprogramming style guide.The program demonstratesadvanced skills in Pythonprogramming. Implementedin Python 3 and runs. Doesnot contain any syntaxerrors. All functionalrequirements in Task 1 areimplemented. Logicallysound and does not containany logical errors. Strictlyconforms to Pythonprogramming style guide.The program demonstratesexceptional Pythonprogramming skills.Expertly designed and isrobust, concise andefficient. Demonstratesadvanced skills in Pythonprogramming.Implemented in Python 3and runs. Does not containany syntax errors. allfunctional requirements inTask 1 are implemented.Logically sound and doesnot contain any logicalerrors. Strictly conforms toPython programming styleguide.Task 2Finalising grades andclass performancestatisticsThe program is notimplemented in Python 3.Does not run and containsyntax errors. Completelyunrelated to the Task 2requirements. No Pythonscript file (.py) issubmitted (e.g.submission of a .txt or.doc file)The program demonstrates aworking understanding ofPython programming.Implemented in Python 3 andruns. Does not contain anysyntax errors. Generallysatisfies major functionalrequirements in Task 2.Contain some logical errors.The program demonstratesproficient skills in Pythonprogramming.Implemented in Python 3and runs. Does not containany syntax errors. Satisfiesalmost all functionalrequirements in Task 2, butfew minor functionalrequirements in Task 2 mayThe program demonstratesadvanced skills in Pythonprogramming. Implementedin Python 3 and runs. Doesnot contain any syntaxerrors. All functionalrequirements in Task 2.Logically sound and doesnot contain any logicalerrors. Strictly conforms toThe program demonstratesexceptional Pythonprogramming skills.Expertly designed and isrobust, concise andefficient. Demonstratesadvanced skills in Pythonprogramming.Implemented in Python 3and runs. Does not contain MIS501_Assessment_2_Brief_Business Case Study_Module Due 4.2 Page 4 of 4 Percentage for thiscriterion = 40%May not conform to Pythonprogramming style guide.not have beenimplemented. Logicallysound but may contain veryminor logical errors. Largelyconforms to Pythonprogramming style guide.Python programming styleguide.any syntax errors. Allfunctional requirements inTask 2 are implementedLogically sound and doesnot contain any logicalerrors. Strictly conforms toPython programming styleguide.Task 3Naïve similaritydetectorPercentage for thiscriterion = 30%The program is notimplemented in Python 3.Does not run and containsyntax errors. Completelyunrelated to the Task 3requirements. No Pythonscript file (.py) issubmitted (e.g.submission of a .txt or.doc file). The programused the “set” structure.The flowchart iscompletely unrelated toTask 3.The program demonstrates aworking understanding ofPython programming.Implemented in Python 3 andruns. Does not contain anysyntax errors. Satisfies majorfunctional requirements inTask 3. Contain some logicalerrors. Does not conform toPython programming styleguide. The flowchart isrelevant to Task 3, but doesnot use conventionalnotations or the flow is notlogically sound. The logic asdepicted in the flowchartmay not be consistent withthat in the program.The program demonstratesproficient skills in Pythonprogramming.Implemented in Python 3and runs. Does not containany syntax errors. Satisfiesalmost all functionalrequirements in Task 3, butfew minor functionalrequirements in Task 3 maynot have beenimplemented.Logically sound but maycontain very minor logicalerrors. Conforms to Pythonprogramming style guide.The flowchart is relevant toTask 3, largely follows theconventional notations orthe flow is largely correct.The logic as depicted in theflowchart is largelyconsistent with that in theprogram.The program demonstratesadvanced skills in Pythonprogramming. Implementedin Python 3 and runs. Doesnot contain any syntaxerrors. All functionalrequirements in Task 3 areimplemented. Logicallysound and does not containany logical errors. Strictlyconforms to Pythonprogramming style guide.The flowchart is relevant toTask 3, follows theconventional notations orthe flow is complete andcorrect. The logic asdepicted in the flowchart isconsistent with that in theprogram.The program demonstratesexceptional Pythonprogramming skills.Expertly designed and isrobust, concise andefficient. Demonstratesadvanced skills in Pythonprogramming.Implemented in Python 3and runs. Does not containany syntax errors. Allfunctional requirements inTask 3 are implemented.Logically sound and doesnot contain any logicalerrors Strictly conforms toPython programming styleguide. The flowchart isrelevant to Task 3, followsthe conventional notationsor the flow is complete andcorrect. The logic asdepicted in the flowchart isconsistent with that in theprogram.


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