Case Study: Ajay is an employee whose performance wasmore than satisfactory for over 2 years. Case Study: Ajay is an employee whose performance wasmore than satisfactory for over 2 years. Hiswork assignments were completed on timeand accurately done. However, for the last3 months, Ajay’s work has been consistentlylate and incomplete. His work also hascontained an increased number of mistakes.He does not seem to be concentrating onhis work very well and often gives vagueand incomplete answers when his managerneeds information from him. Ajay’sperformance problems started about thetime a new computer system was introducedin the company. His manager has providedregular feedback and counselling to Ajay onthe problems with his assignments. Duringone of the counselling sessions Ajaymentioned problem using the new software.Ajay and his manager jointly agreed that heshould take advantage of the 2 day trainingsession offered. After the training sessionthe trainer informed the manager that Ajaybarely participated in the training sessionand that he acted very nonchalant duringthe entire 2 days. Ajay’s performance is stillnot improving. He has a backlog of workwhich means his assignments are often lateand is impacting the work of others. Themanager has asked other employees to stepin and help complete the backlog. In additionthe manager is spending a lot of timereviewing his submissions and has foundthree serious errors in the past 2 weeks.The manager is now seriously thinking ofcounselling Ajay in the next 3-4 weeks time.(a) Is Ajay’s performance an example ofpoor or marginal performance ? Are 3or 4 weeks an appropriate amount oftime to wait if the manager decides tocounsel Ajay ?(b) Does this situation meet the criteriafor counselling ? Why explain in detail ?