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Women’s Work Around the World – My Assignment Tutor

GSSC 1178 Never Done: Women’s Work Around the WorldRESEARCH OUTLINE – DU EK • (15%)This assignment asks you to research an aspect of women’s work – anywhere in the word – that most interests you. You can choose a suggested topic from the list provided or pursue your own interests (with approval).The research outline asks you to formulate your central questions and compile your resources. It must include: One (1) paragraph explaining the topic being research, including a preliminary thesis statement. This paragraph must outline the broad strokes of your topic. You must include an explicit working thesis statement.Five (5) research questions your report will answer. Research questions should be specific, clear, and examine measurable aspects of women’s work (i.e. questions that can be answered with statistics or concrete data). For example: Equality under the law (right to vote, family law, property ownership, reproductive rights, protection from gender discrimination, etc.) – Equal representation in government Workforce participation – Access to and levels of education At least five (5) valid research sources listed in APA citation format.Scholarly books and journal articles, valid internet sites, video-documentaries, and interviews are all valid research sources.For more information on citations see: http:/Iresearchguides.georgebrown.ca/c.php?g=490485&p=3353574POSSIBLE RESEARCH TOPICSWomen and unpaid domestic work in focus Examples: The double day for Canadian women in the postwar period; women in Depression era Canada; settler women in colonial CanadaWorkplace discrimination and barriers faced by specific groups of women in Canada Examples: Examples: Young women workers; Aboriginal women workers; lesbian/bisexual/transgender women and work; disabled women and work; visible minority women’s employmentWomen’s work/participation in a particular industry, sector, or occupation (in Canada/North America) Examples: Women in engineering in Canada, Women firefighters, Women’s work in the fast food sector, Women working in the health care sector in Ontario, Women working in financial services, Women’sScanned by CamScanner


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