Topic “An expensive educational system that does not meet the needs of society” Students will select one topic in American Politics that they are passionate about. These topics can span the gamut, including foreign policy, domestic policy, issues that were covered in class or not (though approval by the instructor of the topic is required and arrangements will be made for a process to do that). Students will write a 5-7 page research paper on the selected topic and discuss two (or more) opposing sides on the topic: how it is viewed by different camps, what solutions each prescribe, what role does each see for the government in providing those solutions, etc. Papers should be typed and double-spaced.


“An expensive educational system that does not meet the needs of society”

Students will select one topic in American Politics that they are passionate about.

These topics can span the gamut, including foreign policy, domestic policy, issues that were

covered in class or not (though approval by the instructor of the topic is required and

arrangements will be made for a process to do that). Students will write a 5-7 page research

paper on the selected topic and discuss two (or more) opposing sides on the topic: how it is

viewed by different camps, what solutions each prescribe, what role does each see for the

government in providing those solutions, etc. Papers should be typed and double-spaced.


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