Instructions Rollout of the newly designed bed is scheduled for early 2022. You need to prepare a 5-slide presentation that you will use to show your account managers information about the upgraded bed in an upcoming presentation. This will enable them to be knowledgeable and productive sales agents. Use Power Point to get your slides ready to go. When you are done, submit your Power Point. You will not present now, but you will use them to do a presentation in Week 5. You need to: Explain what makes this redesign special. (2 slides) Outline pricing (1 slide) Present a timeline for sales rollout. (1 slide) Account Manager Expectations (1 slide) NEW BED ATTRIBUTES: What makes the new bed amazing? It has a more comfortable mattress, the control features on the safety arms of the bed are in a more easily accessible spot, the remote control has larger buttons for more control, and the bed is 6 inches wider to accommodate more body types. PRICING: The E-MAGINE baseline bed sells for $2,085.00. The newly redesigned bed will retail for $3825.00. TIMING: The company hopes to have the beds ready for delivery in March 2022, but your managers will need to being selling the beds right after the holiday break, so in early January 2022. ACCOUNT MANAGER EXPECTATIONS: Formulate your own! What do you expect from your sales agents?

Instructions Rollout of the newly designed bed is scheduled for early 2022. You need to prepare a 5-slide presentation that you will use to show your account managers information about the upgraded bed in an upcoming presentation. This will enable them to be knowledgeable and productive sales agents. Use Power Point to get your slides ready to go. When you are done, submit your Power Point. You will not present now, but you will use them to do a presentation in Week 5. You need to: Explain what makes this redesign special. (2 slides) Outline pricing (1 slide) Present a timeline for sales rollout. (1 slide) Account Manager Expectations (1 slide) NEW BED ATTRIBUTES: What makes the new bed amazing? It has a more comfortable mattress, the control features on the safety arms of the bed are in a more easily accessible spot, the remote control has larger buttons for more control, and the bed is 6 inches wider to accommodate more body types. PRICING: The E-MAGINE baseline bed sells for $2,085.00. The newly redesigned bed will retail for $3825.00. TIMING: The company hopes to have the beds ready for delivery in March 2022, but your managers will need to being selling the beds right after the holiday break, so in early January 2022. ACCOUNT MANAGER EXPECTATIONS: Formulate your own! What do you expect from your sales agents?


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