Instructions Prepare a 2-page reflection report, not including a title and reference page, that addresses the following questions about each scenario. Use APA Style, and use one outside resource in addition to the information in your textbook. Your textbook is cited just like any other resource. Your report must address the following questions and points about each scenario outlined in the tabs below. SCENAIRO 1 Imagine working at a company where everyone collectively can’t understand why their product is not selling and refuses to acknowledge the economic reality that they cannot survive without making innovative change. How can you shake up this mindset and encourage everyone to come together to form creative ideas to change their product? What can you do to create an environment so that everyone is able to share their opinions and ideas? SCENIRO 2 Imagine you work at Swissair, an airline that was once so financially stable that it was called the “Flying Bank.” Because of their reputation, Swissair believed they were invulnerable. As a result of this complacent mindset, people failed to question poor management decisions, and the airline went bankrupt. What could the employees have done at Swissair to help avoid bankruptcy? How can complacency (overly comfortable) become a negative force? What are three things that you can do as a manager to prevent people from being complacent?

Instructions Prepare a 2-page reflection report, not including a title and reference page, that addresses the following questions about each scenario. Use APA Style, and use one outside resource in addition to the information in your textbook. Your textbook is cited just like any other resource. Your report must address the following questions and points about each scenario outlined in the tabs below. SCENAIRO 1 Imagine working at a company where everyone collectively can’t understand why their product is not selling and refuses to acknowledge the economic reality that they cannot survive without making innovative change. How can you shake up this mindset and encourage everyone to come together to form creative ideas to change their product? What can you do to create an environment so that everyone is able to share their opinions and ideas? SCENIRO 2 Imagine you work at Swissair, an airline that was once so financially stable that it was called the “Flying Bank.” Because of their reputation, Swissair believed they were invulnerable. As a result of this complacent mindset, people failed to question poor management decisions, and the airline went bankrupt. What could the employees have done at Swissair to help avoid bankruptcy? How can complacency (overly comfortable) become a negative force? What are three things that you can do as a manager to prevent people from being complacent?


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