A Scenario to Stimulate Strategic Thinking About Good Governance for Health Imagine you are a senior staff member in a middle-income country’s Ministry of Health. The Parliament has asked each community health center to form its own governing body from community leaders and health workers. The terms of reference (TOR)’ for these new bodies must be drafted within one month for consideration as a regulatory act in Parliament. What considerations should you weave into this proposed new policy? What should be the essential roles and responsibilities of the new community health center governing councils? How should you help the members of these governing bodies become educated about good board work? Consider these questions as you begin your journey into the realm of good board work as presented in this chapter. References: Counte, M. A., Ramirez, B., West, D. J., & Aaronson, W. (2019). The Global Healthcare manager: Competencies, concepts, and Skills. Health Administration Press (HAP). Hernandez, S. R. & Aaronson (2019). The global healthcare manager: competencies, concepts, and skills. The Journal of Health Administration Education, 36(1), 123.

A Scenario to Stimulate Strategic Thinking About Good Governance for Health

Imagine you are a senior staff member in a middle-income country’s Ministry of Health. The Parliament has asked each community health center to form its own governing body from community leaders and health workers. The  terms of reference (TOR)’ for these new bodies must be drafted within one month for consideration as a regulatory act in Parliament.

What considerations should you weave into this proposed new policy?

What should be the essential roles and responsibilities of the new community health center governing councils?

How should you help the members of these governing bodies become educated about good board work?

Consider these questions as you begin your journey into the realm of good board work as presented in this chapter.


Counte, M. A., Ramirez, B., West, D. J., & Aaronson, W. (2019). The Global Healthcare manager: Competencies, concepts, and Skills. Health Administration Press (HAP).

Hernandez, S. R. & Aaronson (2019). The global healthcare manager: competencies, concepts, and skills. The Journal of Health Administration Education, 36(1), 123.


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