Abina and Jamal al-Afghani were both individuals affected by the rise of Western power in the nineteenth century. How do their reactions to this situation differ, and how are they similar? Which aspects of imperial culture present them with opportunities, which present obstacles, and how do Abina & al-Afghani address them (or not)? How do their two stories fit into the broader picture of Empire, collaboration and resistance?

Instruction – Research Paper for World History
Abina and Jamal al-Afghani were both individuals affected by the rise of Western power in the nineteenth
century. How do their reactions to this situation differ, and how are they similar? Which aspects of imperial
culture present them with opportunities, which present obstacles, and how do Abina & al-Afghani address
them (or not)? How do their two stories fit into the broader picture of Empire, collaboration and resistance?
Necessary Readings/Sources
There are two necessary readings to write this paper, and they are major sources that you need to use for
⚫ One PDF file is “Abina and the Important Men.pdf”, and it tells the life of Abina who you need to
write about.
– You can download this file on this URL address:
⚫ The other file is “Imperialism, Science and Religion Two Essays by Jamal al-Din al-Afghani.pdf”, and it
tells the life of Jamal al-Afghani who you need to write about.
– You can download this file on this URL address:
*** If you have an issue to download the two files above, please message me via website ASAP.
In addition to the two readings, you need to add four more sources to support your idea in the research
Other Details
Write a 6 page paper, double spaced, addressing the above prompt. The paper must have a thesis, and must
adduce evidence from the readings to buttress that thesis. The paper will be graded primarily on the quality
of the argument and evidence. Matters of presentation, however, will also be assessed, e.g., clarity,
organization, spelling, grammar. The paper needs to follow the Chicago Style.
How to Write a History Paper  Follow these when you write*
– Forming an Argument
Deductive vs Inductive Arguments
ex. Ded. 1. All Cats are Cute,
2. Molly is a Cat,
∴ Molly is Cute.
Ind. 1. Christian Europeans frequently sought to convert other people,
2. Transnational trade introduced Europeans to many other people,
∴ Transnational trade led to the spread of Christianity.
A Thesis is the Conclusion of an Inductive Argument, supported by a set of Evidence. The Process of
arguing your Thesis is an Argument or Defence.Academic writing is a Defence of a Thesis.
– Defending your Argument
Use of Sources/Citations
Evidence is necessary for inductive arguments.
The more evidence, the stronger the argument.
ex. 1. Christian Europeans frequently sought to convert other people
2. Transnational trade introduced Europeans to many other people
+3. Many of these people were non-Christians
+4. Missionaries believed indigenous religion was devil worship
+5. Missionaries believed converting devil worshippers to Christianitywould save their souls.
∴ Transnational trade led to the spread of Christianity
Citations help demonstrate the veracity of evidence.
Citations need to include enough information to assess their origin(Author, Page minimum)
– Structuring a Prose Argument
Argumentative Clarity
Word choice should be as explicit and direct as possible.
ex. Bad: He tried to convince people that it was wrong.
Good: Equiano wrote his Interesting Narrative to convince whiteaudiences to
support the abolition of slavery.
Systematic Structure
EVERY paragraph should be in service to:
1. Presenting new Evidence to support your Thesis,
2. Analysing the meaning of Evidence you have introduced,
3. Describing the relation between two or more pieces of Evidence, orbetween your Evidence
and your Thesis.
Introductions should:
1. Explicitly state your Thesis.
2. Outline the Evidence you will use to defend your Thesis.
3. Outline the Structure your paper will use to introduce Evidence.
Conclusions are optional, but a good conclusion usually addresses:
1. Why your audience should care about your Thesis,
2. Potential rebuttals (arguments against) your Thesis, and why they areless compelling than
your Thesis,
3. Introduce a contemporary or related issue that your Thesis helps youraudience to understand.
Paragraphs should be arranged in a way that organically reflects the argument.:
1. Paragraphs are arranged by category (Race, then Gender, then Class),
2. By Individual (Equiano, Columbus, Ricci)
3. By Topic (First part of prompt, followed by second part of prompt, ORfirst part of Thesis,
followed by second part of Thesis),
4. Or some combination thereof.
✓ There is no single “correct” way to arrange an argument, and it depends on thesubject and evidence.
✓ Think about what parts of your argument are relevant or require other sectionsand arrange them so
that relevant issues are near each other and topics naturally build on top of each other.










The post Abina and Jamal al-Afghani were both individuals affected by the rise of Western power in the nineteenth century. How do their reactions to this situation differ, and how are they similar? Which aspects of imperial culture present them with opportunities, which present obstacles, and how do Abina & al-Afghani address them (or not)? How do their two stories fit into the broader picture of Empire, collaboration and resistance? appeared first on Apax Researchers.


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