Using this case study material, and relevant quality academic sources (including but not limited to the module readings for ACC3014), prepare a report for the president of Asociación Civil Labor which addresses the following four areas: What key factors in the external environment have had a significant influence on the strategy adopted by Asociación of Civil Labor? Who are the Asociación of Civil Labor’s stakeholders? Is it important to be accountable to these stakeholders, and if so, for what should the Asociación of Civil Labor be accountable?

You have been provided with a Case Study: The Environment, Development and Participation: The Dilemmas of Asociación Civil Labor (Portocarrero, F., del Castillo, E. and Chavez, M., 2007).


Using this case study material, and relevant quality academic sources (including but not limited to the module readings for ACC3014), prepare a report for the president of Asociación Civil Labor which addresses the following four areas:


  1. What key factors in the external environment have had a significant influence on the strategy adopted by Asociación of Civil Labor?


  1. Who are the Asociación of Civil Labor’s stakeholders? Is it important to be accountable to these stakeholders, and if so, for what should the Asociación of Civil Labor be accountable?


  1. Taking account of your responses to the issues above, what should be the response of the Asociación of Civil Labor to the issues it now confronts? In your answer, you should discuss how you might prioritise and respond to conflicting stakeholder views. (trying to draw out their reasons for prioritizing different stakeholder groups).


  1. The original mission of the Asociación of Civil Labor was to mainly defend the rights of workers. However, over the years, the mission and the agenda of the Asociación of Civil Labor appear to have evolved and expanded. Environmental protection and sustainable development have become crucial in their current agenda. Has Asociación of Civil Labor diverged from their original mission? Can this be identified as a case of mission drift? Your answer should argue on both sides of the debate, using evidence from academic sources where appropriate and finally you must state your position, basing your arguments on the evidence that informed you in arriving at your position.




Guidance/Further Information


As a general guide, parts 3 and 4 should comprise around 65% of your report.

Maximum word count should be 3,250 words at least, excluding charts, tables and references. Content beyond the word count will not be read or marked.









The post Using this case study material, and relevant quality academic sources (including but not limited to the module readings for ACC3014), prepare a report for the president of Asociación Civil Labor which addresses the following four areas: What key factors in the external environment have had a significant influence on the strategy adopted by Asociación of Civil Labor? Who are the Asociación of Civil Labor’s stakeholders? Is it important to be accountable to these stakeholders, and if so, for what should the Asociación of Civil Labor be accountable? appeared first on Apax Researchers.


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