8 1 Assignment-IV: Provisional Questions for data collection Introduction Data collection is



Assignment-IV: Provisional Questions for data collection


Data collection is critical for conducting research and collecting information for our study participants. One of the primary methods to collect data is through question development. A questionnaire is a research tool consisting of a list of the question as well as answers sequentially from a large sample of data in an efficient, cheap, and quick way.it is prepared in a way that translates information into a series of information. Before framing the questionnaire, it is important to identify the target respondents to collect data and information. It can be collected through interviews, personal contact, internet-based question, and telephonic interview. Each question must be capable of testing the hypothesis through the research design. The key player in the success of a survey is the proper setting of the survey questionnaire which even verifies the reliability and validity of any survey. Whereas poorly structured questionnaires will invite a poor quality response that can twist or reduce the effectiveness of the survey. In this assignment, we will use different types of questions to build a questionnaire for data collection from a selected sample of the population.

The following questionnaires consist of different types of questions within themselves to provide the respondent an opportunity to enhance the engagement and response rate.

Open-ended questions: They are easily answered and contain no alternative. The aim is to collect primary data with the response being unstructured and not restricted to opinions after every question.

Close-ended questions: The respondents are provided a limit of certain options with qualities being provided after the question.

Dichotomous: The questions contains two distinct groups of answers and are usually answered in a Yes/No format or agree/disagree format.

Ranking & Rating Scale: These type of questionnaires asks respondent questions by helping them compare two distinct sets of items with the help of a common single scale.

Check List: The checklist offers the respondents the motive for filing the answer to the survey questions. It helps in substantiating the steps of action to be taken by the researcher.

S.L No

Type of



List of Question



ranking scale

(Nyamubarwa, 2013)

I think a lot about leaving the organization.



Ranking scale

(Nyamubarwa, 2013)

I am actively searching for an alternative to the organization.



ranking scale

(Nyamubarwa, 2013)

As soon as it is possible, I will leave the organization



ranking scale

Freese & Schalk, (2008 pp.269-286)

Please indicate how well your employer has fulfilled the promised obligations that

they owed you (5 point scale: 1 = ‘very poorly’ to 5 =‘very well fulfilled’)



ranking scale

Freese & Schalk, (2008 pp.269-286)

On-the-job training is an effective tool for learning new skills.



ranking scale

Freese & Schalk, (2008 pp.269-286)

Training and development are important for job growth.



ranking scale

Freese & Schalk, (2008 pp.269-286)

I feel valued at my job my current training offered is not sufficient for my professional needs


Open-ended questions

Mohanty & Arka, (2019)

What is your employment status?




Close-ended questions

Jaworski et al., (2018)

What is the type of recognition and reward offered by your organization?

•Annual bonus

•Mentoring program


Close-ended questions

Jaworski et al., (2018)

What are the factors that motivate you?




Close-ended questions

Kanwal & Syed (2017)

Which of the following can salary contribute to?




•Extra work


Close-ended questions

Bevacqua (2019)

What type of lighting is available in the workstation?





Close-ended questions

Bevacqua (2019)

How many people share a desk?



Bevacqua (2019)

Does this workstation have other comfortable furniture available?





Bevacqua (2019)

Is the ventilation system noisy?





Kaur et al.,(2020)

Does your Loyalty Program help you feel better about yourself?


Check List

Friedman, Giladi & Lewis (1999)

Do you research to make sure that you are satisfying your clients?


Check List

Friedman, Giladi & Lewis (1999)

Are you treating your employees well?


Check List

Friedman, Giladi & Lewis (1999)

Do you have a procedure for dealing with client complaints?


Check List

Lau, B. (2008)

Do you worry too much about things or get nervous?


In the above questionnaire, a mixed method of data collection has been employed which is an emerging methodology of logical integration of quantitative and qualitative data. It will help in understanding the gap between the various types of questions and will also help gain participant experience more effectively. The method reflects how an individual collects data. Thus, it is important to design a good questionnaire to create engagement and interest among the respondent and will result in high-quality data collection. Thus, a well-built questionnaire will help to fulfill the objectives of the research and enhance the quality of data while providing accurate information.


Bevacqua, T. M. (2019). Investigating the Linkage Between Observed and Perceived Physical Workstation Characteristics: A Case Study of Employee Satisfaction, Performance, and Comfort. Retrieved November 14, 2021. https://ecommons.cornell.edu/handle/1813/67700

Friedman, H. H., Giladi, K., & Lewis, B. (1999). Is Your Accounting Firm Truly Marketing Oriented? A Checklist. National Public Accountant, 44, 16-34. Retrieved November 14, 2021. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2336274

Jaworski, C., Ravichandran, S., Karpinski, A. C., & Singh, S. (2018). The effects of training satisfaction, employee benefits, and incentives on part-time employees’ commitment. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 74, 1-12. Retrieved November 14, 2021. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278431917301214

Kaur, H., Paruthi, M., Islam, J., & Hollebeek, L. D. (2020). The role of brand community identification and reward on consumer brand engagement and brand loyalty in virtual brand communities. Telematics and Informatics, 46, 101321. Retrieved November 14, 2021. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0736585319308135

Kanwal, K., & Syed, M. (2017). Impact of reward system on employee performance in banking sector. RADS Journal of Social Sciencess & Business Management, 4(2), 82-103. Retrieved November 14, 2021. http://www.jssbm.juw.edu.pk/index.php/jssbm/article/view/44

Lau, B. (2008). Effort-reward imbalance and overcommitment in employees in a Norwegian municipality: a cross sectional study. Journal of occupational medicine and toxicology, 3(1), 1-11. Retrieved November 14, 2021. https://occup-med.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1745-6673-3-9

Mohanty, S., & Arka, M. (2019). A study on employee perception on training and development at sail. International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Research, 3(2, 9 p). Retrieved November 14, 2021 http://navajyotijournal.org/February_2019/ASTUDYONEMPLOYEEPERCEPTIONONTRAININGANDDEVELOPMENTATSAIL_2019_13.pdf

Nyamubarwa, W. (2013). ” I am considering leaving soon””“Turnover Intentions of Academic Librarians in Zimbabwe. Journal of business administration and education, 4(1). Retrieved November 14, 2021. http://www.infinitypress.info/index.php/jbae/article/view/406

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