BUSI 313 Project: Execution and Delivery Grading Rubric Criteria Levels of Achievement

BUSI 313

Project: Execution and Delivery Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement 


Content 70% 




Not present 

Points Earned 

Part 3 – 35 points

32 to 35 points

Questions 1–2 are correctly answered using a business memo format. Screenshot included of a monthly task flow report.

25 to 31 points

2 questions are answered correctly. Portions of the required screenshots of included.

1 to 24 points

At least 1 or more of the questions are answered correctly and only a portion of the required screenshots are shown.

0 points

Nothing present






Part 4A – 35 points

32 to 35 points

Uses a written status report format to management addressing questions 1–6. Screenshots showing the tracking Gantt Chart and the Earned value Report/Table are shown.

25 to 31 points

4 or more questions are answered correctly. Portions of the required screenshots of included. The written status report format is not used properly.

1 to 24 points

At least 1 or more of the questions are answered correctly and only a portion of the required screenshots are shown and no attempt at the memo format.

0 points

Nothing present


Part 4B – 35 points

32 to 35 points

Uses a business memo format to management addressing questions 1–3. Screenshot showing the tracking Gannt Chart with the variants to show the final completion date is shown.

25 to 31 points

2 questions are answered correctly. Portions of the required screenshot are included. The memo format is not used properly.

1 to 24 points

1 of the questions is answered correctly and only a portion of the required screenshots are shown, no attempt at the memo format.

0 points

Nothing present


Structure 30% 




Not present 

Points Earned 

Microsoft Project File – 35 points

32 to 35 points

Project is baselined. Table A2.8 changes were applied. Recommendation in Part B applied. Resources leveled outside of slack.

Final project schedule submitted and complete.

25 to 31 points

Portions of the required info is added, but not all.

1 to 24 points

Minimal information is added, but not near the required amount.

0 points

Nothing present


Format – 10 points

9 to 10 points

Sufficient content, clarity, and organization of ideas are provided, proper spelling and grammar are used.

7 to 8 points

Average performance on content, clarity, organization of ideas, and grammar/spelling usage.

1 to 6 points

Below average performance on content, clarity, organization, and grammar/spelling.

0 Points

Nothing present


Total Points 


     Instructor’s Comments: 

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