Comparison of Body Systems Portfolio Portfolio Description- Compare and Contrast 2-3 Human

Comparison of Body Systems Portfolio

Portfolio Description- Compare and Contrast 2-3 Human Body Systems to that of the body systems of another organism. Share the results of your comparisons using a product of your choice.

Portfolio Steps:

Pick one organism of interest to you

Research the body systems of your chosen organism. Remember to use reputable sources and cite the sources that you use.

*Example Organisms- Snake, Jelly Fish, Bird, Elephant, etc.

Select 2 to 3 body systems that are found in both your chosen organism and the Human Body. Explain the function of each body system.

From the research you gather and understanding of the Human Body systems provide detailed comparisons using the following questions to guide you:

What are similarities with the human body system?

What are differences with the human body system?

From your research, present the comparison findings using a product of your choice. Whichever option you choose, be sure that you are including detailed responses/representation for Steps 1 through 4. You may present your comparisons in one of the following ways:

Prezi example

Poster Example

PowerPoint Presentation

Compare and Contrast Essay (3 paragraph minimum; meaning, at least one paragraph per body system comparison)

Virtual Poster (This could be a picture of a student created poster or a “poster”created using a computer-based program

*Use the following resource to help organize your portfolio research

Portfolio Steps


Check off when completed

Points possible

Chosen Organism to compare to Human Body

___ body system 1

___ body system 2

Chosen Body Systems for comparison

___ body system 1

___ body system 2

Research Sources

___ Resource link provided must take evaluator directly to the resource used

3 points

Comparisons between Body System 1

___ What are similarities with the human body system?

___ What are differences with the human body system?

5 points

Comparisons between Body System 2

___ What are similarities with the human body system?

___ What are differences with the human body system?

5 points

Comparisons between Body System 3

(optional to do 3)

Presentation Format

___ neat and organized

___ pictures included

3 points

Total points:


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