Please do minimum 100 word replies to both discussion posts. Alisha Myers

Please do minimum 100 word replies to both discussion posts.

Alisha Myers 

Module 4


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What are the main issues in the case?

The first issue seems to be the difference in cultural thought. Joe and Mae thought they were paying Ildete a compliment by giving her a raise for a job well done. Ildete felt like if they thought she was doing a good job they’d have given her that raise in the beginning and not wait a whole entire year to do it. It seems that Joe and Mae have misunderstood the culture difference or did not take it into account when they offered the raise.

What is the rationale (beliefs and practices that inform their actions) of each party involved?

Joe and Mae believe that she deserves a raise because Ildete did such a good job over a long period of time. We in the U.S. get paid more if you do your job well. We understand that you have to prove yourself before you can get that raise. It is a societal norm for us, where as it may not be a normal thing in another country.

Ildete on the other hand was not raised in our society and felt like if she was doing a good job all along for Joe and Mae that they should have been paying her what she was worth her whole length of employment. To her, it felt as though she was being taken advantage of by people that do not understand the cultural differences.

What are possible solutions to the dilemma presented in the case?

Both parties need to step back and think about the differences they all face. Joe and Mae, should have probably known better. If they were going to be missionaries in another country they should have been a little more well versed in how that particular society works. Or asked questions about the expectations of employing a local. I believe Joe and Mae made a mistake and it happens but it should be a fixable mistake.

Ildete also needs to realize that they are not locals and not all rules are understood when it comes to the employment of someone from her culture. This should have never been taken to court. I believe that if she would have addressed the situation when it happened Joe and Mae could have corrected their mistake and life would have gone on as usual. Instead, now both parties feel hurt and their relationship is strained.

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6 days ago

Zoe Gaffney 

Case Study DB


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               There are a few main issues with this case. The biggest issue is the miscommunication with how payment works within different cultures. In the American culture, it is obvious to us that if someone deserves a raise, you give it to them. When a raise is given, praise and gratitude are expected. When Ildete received the raise, she was offended and felt taken advantage of. The way that payment works through a Caribbean perspective that, ”If Ildete deserved a higher salary, then why did the missionary couple not pay the higher amount from the beginning?” This was the main and biggest miscommunication.

               The rationale behind these two different ways of thought is that they both grew up with different cultures. As I said earlier, in the American culture, a raise is earned and appreciated. In the Caribbean culture, a raise can be seen as stealing. This is because if they deserved a higher payment, it should have been given at the beginning.

               A solution to this dilemma is to do extensive research on cultural differences in every aspect of life. Ephesians 4:2-5 states, “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism.” Learning cultural differences is necessary to help maintain unity cross-culture, unity in the Spirit in the bond of peace.

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