Engaging in scholarship is very crucial to the academic nurse educator. As nurse educators it is vital to include engagement amongst students wanting to learn and grow. Scholarship includes four areas that are critical to academic work. “These are the scholarship of discovery, where new and unique knowledge is generated, teaching, where the teacher creatively builds bridges between his or her own understanding and the students’ learning, application, where the emphasis is on the use of new knowledge in solving society’s problems; and integration, where new relationships among disciplines are discovered” (Edwards, 2021). Integration is very critical because the nursing profession is an ever-changing profession where new evidenced based approaches are being developed. “Nursing faculty, like others whose discipline brings together scientific investigation and application through professional services, often function in a system designed to reward and promote a narrow definition of academic success” (Edwards, 2021).
One way I would implement the scholarship of discovery is through project-based learning. “In project-based learning, students participate in a project that examines a problem related to what they are learning. Project-based learning positively influences learning (Bell, 2010), and increases learning motivation, helps change student’s thinking (Blumenfeld et al., 1991), and is considered a high impact practice” (Kuh, 2008). Project learning promotes a lot of active learning which also helps the student to be able to retain more content.
Edwards, J. (2021, March). News & information. American Association of Colleges of Nursing: The Voice of Academic Nursing. https://www.aacnnursing.org/News-Information/Position-Statements-White-Papers/Defining-Scholarship.
Skorinko, J. L. M. (2019, April 24). Scholarship of discovery and beyond: Thinking about multiple forms of scholarship and elements of project-based learning to engage undergraduates in publishable research. Frontiers in psychology. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6499216/.
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