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INSTRUCTIONS First, take some time to explore a few job postings for


First, take some time to explore a few job postings for your ideal career. The following websites may be helpful to use:



FYI – My ideal career: Director overseeing hospital revenue – see my written discussion post uploaded as a separate attachment.

Write a separate short response to EACH prompt below and address the following:

What similarities and differences did you see in your findings?

What suggestions would you give your peers related to how to showcase their newfound knowledge and skills?

What tips for finding relevant job postings would you suggest?

What general observations did you notice when exploring job postings or reflecting on how the material in this course can be applied to your ideal career?


My ideal career is to be an administrator of a local health facility like hospice or a family practice. I’ve always enjoyed the healthcare field and the impact a caregiver can have on a patient is profound. I want to be able to help others impact as many lives as possible in a positive and healthful way. I feel like this is an amazing way to serve the community and it is rewarding as well. 

I found a job posting on Indeed.com for a medical practice administrator. The job duties were listed as follows:

Develops and establishes policies, procedures, and objectives. Ensures their adequate execution, compliance, and updates.

Evaluates general and specific business conditions as they relate to operational issues and advises the governing body on these matters.

Advises and assists in developing organizational objectives and plans for their achievement.

Within scope of authority, ensures the development of systems (both manual and automated) to properly support practice-wide activities based upon business need.

Directs the coordination of hardware and software requirements of existing and future systems.

Directs the development and implementation of organization procedures and controls to promote communication and adequate information flow within the organization.

Monitors, analyzes, assesses, and communicates practice progress.

Considers present and planned capacity. In financial terms, considers manpower and practice needs, including facilities and technology.

Directs the preparation and maintenance of management reports necessary to carry out functions of practice. Prepares periodic reports as necessary.

Ensures compliance and adherence to the organizations structure, management philosophy, and mission statements.

Oversees development and coordination of new office locations and their needs as required. Supervises all practice staff. Clinical work direction provided by physicians.

Completes necessary Credentialling Services,

Responsible for Telephone system, maintenance/vendor contracts, project management

Responsible for overall daily operation for all locations

Serves as the Compliance Officer for OSHA and HIPPA

I have over 6 years experience in compliance for OSHA and HIPPA, chart and report auditing, and training and implementation of software and EMRs. I have prepared both compliance and financial reports and managed 25-30 clinical employees. 

I believe this entire course helped me gain insight on how management makes operational decisions based on financial statements and understand the budget to make these decisions. Healthcare administrators need to understand how the organization is performing and be able to present expanding goals to the board or shareholders to continue to best serve the population. Administrators should always strive to improve performance and can do this based on productivity and financial information. 

Write a separate short response to EACH prompt below and address the following:

What similarities and differences did you see in your findings?

What suggestions would you give your peers related to how to showcase their newfound knowledge and skills?

What tips for finding relevant job postings would you suggest?

What general observations did you notice when exploring job postings or reflecting on how the material in this course can be applied to your ideal career?


My ideal career is in Human Resource Management. I served in the Army National Guard as a Human Resource Specialist, and I loved every aspect of that job. I am interested in pursuing this profession as a civilian because I like being able to help people and the variety the profession offers. As I searched through job postings, the knowledge and skills needed that directly to this course are:

Assists executive management in the annual review, preparation, and administration of the organization’s wage and salary program.

Assists executive management in the annual review, preparation, and administration of the organization’s wage and salary program.

Develops and implements departmental budget

Proficient in Microsoft Excel

Excellent interpersonal, organizational, oral, and written communication skills

I first want to include my past Human resource experience from my time in the military on my resume, along with any training or certificates I acquired. The key terms I would want to include on my resume are strong organizational and communication skills: strategic-thinking skills, leadership skills, and proficiency in Microsoft Office. I believe budgeting and the work on the final presentation was relevant for my ideal career. In HR, budgeting is crucial because it allows us to make strategic plans for hiring, employee retention, training, and other organizational needs. I found the problem sets and the milestones helpful, and they served not only as a refresher but broadened my knowledge of Microsoft Excel.

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