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Introduction Sport is an integral part of our society and that is


Sport is an integral part of our society and that is why, it is the direction of this dissertation. The main objective of the research topic is to assess and observe the sensitivity of the 6 second Watt Bike test (WBT) for measuring fatigue pre & post elite rugby union match play for the Players. Just other scholars have contributed to the same field, the other objective of the research will be to place side to side to other well-established tests like the countermovement jump (CMJ) performance and self-reported wellbeing scores. Finally, the most important purpose of the study is to show the uses of the results obtained from the 6-second WBT in regards to preparing rugby players during match-days and training through data analysis of the performance data collected.

The research study will be mainly conducted by quantitative research methods. In large, retrospective data assessment will also be used to provide data analysis in the 6-second WBT readiness as a performance readiness tool for rugby players in the elite union. At this point understanding the research design will help as it dictates that the research study will be conducted before and after the match; that will help to assess the peak power results of the subjects and to compare it with the CMJ scores and results from the wellbeing questionnaires.

Different tests will help to analyze the collected results; the tests will utilize the Game GPS Data. Physical wellbeing questionnaires, CMJ scores, and 6-second WBT are the tests that will be used and they will allow the researcher to have a good grasp of the level of fatigue generated before and after the match play. While other forms of dissertation make data collection during the study, the data used in this research was collected between August 2013 and December 2014, from players playing in the elite rugby clubs in the United Kingdom. On the other hand, other scholars have focused on how the 6-second WBT is reliable in regards to the performance of rugby union players.

Statistical analysis will be the main method of data analysis. ANOVA statistical analysis will help to analyze the data collected from the 6-second WBT, the wellbeing questionnaires, and the CMJ scores. Before the data analysis, each test will be analyzed individually, this is because there will be two sets of data analyzed, which will be retrieved from the 6s WBT, CMJ and the wellbeing questionnaire are before and after intervention which is before and after the rugby union match.

Regarding data presentation, the PRISMA Flow Diagrams will be used in this research. The flow diagram will help to depict the flow of information that will travel through the different steps of the data analysis. The Number of records will be mapped out, their exclusion and inclusion will be documented and the reasons for exclusion will be presented. On the other hand, this review will showcase the important research data suitable to the question. The main objective of the PRISMA Flow Diagrams is to inform the audience about the previous articles and studies in regards to the research topic.

The next section will be the research findings will summarize the findings of the research. After this section, the discussion and the conclusion will follow and it will present the answers to the research question. At this moment the research will show the difference between the CMJ and the 6s WBT tests, in relation to the questionnaires. Additionally, it will provide a perspective of the fatigue levels of the rugby union players before and after the match.

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