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Pieces of information that I needed to include within my essay Dissertation

Pieces of information that I needed to include within my essay

Dissertation Notes

“they build home within themselves so they can build community with others.”

Double consciousness

issues of belonging and alienation.

demonstrating realistic representation of

Introduce the lack ok of representation in society trough the lens of film

Black presence in Italy

Targeting Stereotypes and aiming to disproof them


Real and truthful

Black existance

To deviate the general perception toward a more accurate representation of the black experience

In fact/indeed, many new-generation Italian citizens live in this contradictory environment in which they feel split between 2 identities. The first connects them back to their roots and the second to their country of residence: Italy. This division causes what can be defined as the “Invisibility” phenomenon, due to the fact that the black Italians do not emerge, neither are they actively present for example, in cultural environments nor on the electoral roll. They only exist insofar as they are referred to as immigrants, featured in the national TV news especially when exhausted, they are caught emergency situations.

The reaction of society to these individuals highlights the difficulty of being black and Italian and also reveals a racial element to Italian national identity.

The symbolism of sport matters in changing the public conversations that we have about who we think we are.

Sport can not solve the problems of the society of which it forms a part, is offer us a glimpse of the type of confident and shared multi-ethnic society that we could choose to be, if we are willing to go on to put in the work to live up to the story too.

“A negro cannot be Italian,” chanted the football supporters of Juventus as they played Inter Milan and Mario Balotelli, the Italian-born son of Ghanaian immigrants later adopted by an Italian family, scored a goal.

The importance of blood to Italian national identity is deeply ingrained in society and in Italian citizenship law, which preferences descent over residence in line with jus sanguinis traditions.

The treatment of Cecile Kyenge and Mario Balotelli has shown that blood and race continue to be central elements of Italian national identity. It is not easy to be both black and Italian, and the existence of black-Italians goes against the traditional image of the Italian nation[iv]. Public figures like Balotelli and Kyenge are challenging people’s perceptions of Italian-ness but it will take time for the culture to change. The facts are simple. There are black Italians and they need to be allowed to be Italian. The modification of Italy’s citizenship laws is firmly on Cecile Kyenge’s to-do-list and there is a great deal of support for the proposed reforms. However, there are many who will stand against any attempt to include the second generation who they consider to be “foreigners”. Whether or not Italian society will be able to get their head around a black Italia remains to be seen.

The Italian-born children of immigrants are routinely described as ‘foreigners’ and ‘immigrants’ in their place of birth and even when they obtain citizenship their Italian-ness is qualified by their non-Italian origins. Many have only ever lived in Italy and speak only Italian. Their exclusion from legal citizenship risks alienating a whole new generation of Italians. The distress of being a foreigner in your own country is well summed up by Roman rapper Amir in his song Non sono un immigrato, which is translated in Thomassen’s 2010 article:

Italy’s majority white, male media is an obstacle to full representation of Afro-Italian experiences and real conversations about race.

I grew up seeing not a single Black broadcaster on Italian TV, but I was determined to be a journalist and change the narrative.

Diminish the stereotype of a black Italian

In a country where racism is still often dismissed as a foreign problem and where minorities are severely underrepresented in literature and media, Future addresses two central questions: Why does the construction of Italianness continue to exclude Blackness? And when will new generations of Afro-Italians finally be heard and recognized as full and active members of Italy’s culture and society?

One of the central preoccupations of Future is, then, to show that Italianness and Blackness are not mutually exclusive. Yet, at the same time, the aim is to do so without flattening the complexity of how new generations of Italians live their cultural and emotional attachments to their African identity

Non siamo visti perché siamo ignorati, sconsiderati Invisibili

Ma ci siamo anche noi

Oggi i film o telefilm che girano rappresentano i migranti e le seconde generazioni in maniera priva di dignità e stereotipata.

Ci sono individualità straordinarie, capaci di stimolare una narrazione diversa dal mainstream.

At the same time we must present an alternative vision and a different representation of the society we live in.

This – and I say so as an artist – is a crucial point. Those of African, Arab and Chinese descent in Italy barely exist in politics, films, books, newspapers. Society excludes them and sets limits.

This state of affairs was denounced earlier this month at the Venice film festival by a group of Afro-Italian film-makers and actors known as Collettivo N. They are fed up with playing marginal, invariably stereotyped characters in films. The women told me they were tired of always playing prostitutes and carers.

Because of this, many have taken the camera into their own hands and decided to tell their own narrative.

media demonization.

it is important to highlight a change and stir up consciences.

people overseas have no idea what’s going on with Italy.

Italy’s majority white, male media is an obstacle to full representation of Afro-Italian experiences and real conversations about race. The current narrative almost erases these marginalised groups from the Italian context. So much that“Non esitono neri Italiani”, [Black Italians do not exsist] , becomes more than a mere football chant but a reflection of the public opinion and mentality of modern day Italy

“These issues in the media reflect attitudes in Italian society as a whole” says .

eliminating the stereotypical portrayals of blackness that are prevalent in Italian mainstream media.

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