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Please read instructions carefully You will write 100-200 words per article that

Please read instructions carefully

You will write 100-200 words per article that you read.  You must read 60 pages of articles total for Module 1. 

So the number of summaries you will write depends on how long the articles you choose are.  For example, if you choose 6 articles that are 10 pages long each, you will write 6 summaries that are each 100-200 words long.  If the articles you choose are only 6 pages long, you will have to choose 10 articles to meet the requirements and you will summarize each of the 10 articles in 100-200 words each.

I will attach the template for the Disease Analysis Journal to this email.  This is where you will type in the 100-200 word summaries and the rest of the information for each article.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Disease Analysis Journal

Discussion Topic

Top of Form

When you are faced with a medical case and do not know how to approach it or have questions, what do you do? Even experienced nurses, dentists, doctors, and pharmacists will go to their smartphones and begin searching for answers. So much information is available. How do you know what information is reliable and valid? The purpose of the journal assignment is for you to practice finding, evaluating, and summarizing resources around key concepts that are presented throughout the module, which are relevant to your specific area of interest. This journal should be valuable to you; you can collect sites, resources, and readings that you find helpful to your learning.

This module will focus on the following topics that examine how our body responds, or rather adapts, to environmental toxins on a cellular level:

Cellular adaption and neoplasia

Infection, immunity, and inflammation

Hematological disorders

You should spend approximately 10 hours on this assignment.


From the list of selected readings below, choose two with topics that you know the least about or are most interesting to you.

Then search for, read, and incorporate other readings of your choice in your area of interest that focus on cellular adaption and neoplasia; infection, immunity, and inflammation; and/or hematological disorders. You might include:

1-2 journal articles or websites

Book chapters (past textbooks may be good options)

Your goal is to have a total of at least 60 pages of content read.  

Your summary of each reading should be at least one paragraph (100-200 words) and include the following information:

All references must be cited using APA Style format. Please refer to the CCCOnline APA Citation Toolkit.

Number of pages read

Keywords you used to find the reading

Link to the reading

Why you selected the reading

Main point of the reading

Describe how the health deviations you read about alter normal physiology.

Provide your key takeaway from the reading. This could be something that made you pause, changed your thinking, supported your thinking, or made you question something.

Download the Disease Analysis Journal template Word document or build your journal in your own Word document. You will add to this document in each module (do not start a new journal document for each module). By the end of the course, you will have all five journal assignments in one single document.

Attach your Word document to a post in the Module 1 Discussion 2: Disease Analysis Journal discussion board.

In your post, respond to the following questions: How do you know that the material you have found and read is reliable? How do you know that it is valid?  

Respond to 2 classmates’ Journal postings.  Acknowledge their posts, build upon what they have written, and conclude with a question or thought to further our discussion.

The CCCOnline Library provides access to scholarly research databases and has also put together a specific site to support biology students. Specifically, it is recommended that you start your research using CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Science Reference Center, and Academic Search Complete.   

Review resources on how to conduct library searches using the CCCOnline Library.


It may be helpful to review your classmates’ articles to see which keywords they are using to find their content. We want to build a community of learners who share great resources and readings. If you see an article that interests you, feel free to read it!

Selected Readings 

Choose two readings. All readings are available through the CCCOnline Library in CINAHL Plus With Full Text. 

Badr, M., Hassan, T., Sakr, H., Karam, N., Rahman, D. A., Shahbah, D., Zakaria, M., & Fehr, S. (2016). Chemotherapy induced neutropenia among pediatric cancer patients in Egypt: Risks and consequences. Molecular & Clinical Oncology, 5(3), 300–306.

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Baron, V.T., Pio, R., Jia, Z. & Mercola, D. (2015). Early growth response 3 regulates genes of inflammation and directly activates IL6 and IL8 expression in prostate cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 12: 755-764. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2014.622

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Carvalho, M. I., Silva-Carvalho, R., Pires, I., Prada, J., Bianchini, R., Jensen-Jarolim, E., & Queiroga, F. L. (2016). A comparative approach of tumor-associated inflammation in mammary cancer between humans and dogs. Biomed Research International, 1-12. doi:10.1155/2016/4917387

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Epstein, S.P., Chen, D., Asbel, P.A. (2009) Evaluation of Biomarkers of Inflammation in Response to Benzalkonium Chloride on Corneal and Conjunctival Epithelial Cells. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 25(5): 415-42. doi: 10.1089/jop.2008.0140

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Ferguson, J.F., Patel, P.N., Shah, R.Y., Mulvey, C.K., Gadi, R., Nijjar, P.S., Usman, H.M., Mehta, N.N., Shah, R., Master, S.R., Propert, K.J. & Reilly, M.P. (2013). Race and gender variation in response to evoked inflammation. Journal of Translational Medicine. 11(1): 63-63.

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Miceli, T., Lilleby, K., Noonan, K., Kurtin, S., Faiman, B. & Mangan, P.A. (2013). Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Patients With Multiple Myeloma. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17: 13-24. doi: 10.1188/13.CJON.S2.13-243

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Mohammad-Shahi, M., Mowl, K., Haidari, M., Zarei, M., & Choghakori, R. (2016).  Soy milk consumption, markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in women with rheumatoid arthritis:  A randomized cross-over clinical trial. Nutrition & Dietetics, 73: 139-145. doi: 10.1111/1747-0080.12174

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Rascon, J., Rageliene, L., Stankeviciene, S., Palionis, D., Tamosiunas, E.E., Valeviciene, N., Zvirblis, T. (2014). An assessment of iron overload in children treated for cancer and nonmalignant hematologic disorders. European Journal of Pediatrics, 173:1137–1146. doi 10.1007/s00431-014-2295-5

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Rescigno, T., Micolucci, L., Tecce, M.F., Capasso, A. (2017). Bioactive Nutrients and Nutrigenomics in Age-Related Diseases. Molecules, 22(1), 105.

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Timmons, B.W. & Raha, S. (2008). A pediatric perspective on inflammation and oxidative stress in response to exercise. Applied Physiology, Nutrition & Metabolism, 33(2): 411-419.

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Toprak, B., Yalcin, H.Z. & Colak, A. (2014). Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency: should we use a different cutoff value for hematologic disorders? International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 36: 409–414. doi: 10.1111/ijlh.12158

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

Yetgin, S. & Elmas, S.A. (2010). Parvovirus-B19 and hematologic disorders. Turkish Journal of Hematology, 27: 224-33. doi: 10.5152/tjh.2010.43

Access this article through the CCCOnline Library permalink.

See the Course Schedule and Course Rubrics sections in the Syllabus module for due dates and grading information. See the Grading and Evaluation section in the Syllabus module for general discussion expectations.

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