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Memo Cheat Sheet Qq I just got Student Responses The major research

Memo Cheat Sheet


Qq I just got

Student Responses

The major research question(s) explored in this article/book are:

Answer this in one sentence. 



What is the state of prior research on this topic? What research gaps does the author intend to ameliorate?

Answer this in two sentences.



What are the major theoretical propositions?

Answer this in two sentences.



What data are used to examine the research question and test the theoretical propositions? 

Answer this in one sentence.



How does the author operationalize the concepts that undergird the theoretical propositions?

Answer this in two sentences.



What are the major findings and what is the overall implication of the study?


Major findings = two sentences

Overall implication = one sentence.



Based on a thorough examination of the research components, offer an accurate, clear and concise critique of this article.


Answer this in four sentences.



Explain how this essay or book relates to the other assigned readings for today and how it fits into the larger research puzzle under examination.


Answer this in five sentences.

The post Memo Cheat Sheet Qq I just got Student Responses The major research appeared first on PapersSpot.


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