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Audri Anciso 07/30/2021 Comm 413 Milestone Two: Project Timeline and Budget: Key

Audri Anciso


Comm 413

Milestone Two: Project Timeline and Budget:

Key deliverable

To begin, we must raise awareness by engaging the community via seminars. By reaching out to people, we can conduct a campaign for, say, one week. We can complete the program with our planned 200 volunteers and immediately begin marketing to our target consumers. The seminar is intended to familiarize them with the job at hand and to assist our marketing specialists in making necessary changes in areas where they see a strain. We have online seminars to assist us in reaching our goal. According to Walker, (2015), it is critical to have the seminar first and then go on to marketing.

Deliverable Milestones and Tasks

Our internet platform should be utilized to reach many people and should also include a money drive. Our online or digital developers will take care of any issues that arise and will solicit money from well-wishers through online contributions.

Following the seminar’s outreach to our audiences, we must act quickly to invite contributors and well-wishers to contribute to our initiative by changing one’s life. This rapid response enables us to earn confidence and catch many people before a lengthy wait. It is all about making a difference in someone’s life.

Project resources

According to Seymour, (2014), digital devices are helpful when it comes to collecting online donations and organizing supporters for our cause. As a result, we will need one or two devices to do this. A venue and accommodation are also required since this is where we will house our guests, employees, and any other visitors. We need to produce t-shirts to assist with the campaign’s operation.

Estimated Costs

Our goal is to collect $5 million to build a new facility for moving young people out of pediatric care. The project aims to establish a fundraising campaign to support young disabled children transitioning from pediatric care. More partners will contribute funds by finishing the building, ensuring the project’s success (Anciso, 2021). With the $100,000 that we now have, we can create t-shirts for volunteers that include the organization’s emblem and the project. It can cost approximately $6000; video tutorials can cost $2000; our guests and experts on that seminar can cost $2000.Transportation for our volunteers who will be moving from location to location will cost approximately $5000, and the venue will cost approximately $300.a token of appreciation for our guests and volunteers will cost approximately $300, and a catering service for our guests, staff, and volunteers will cost approximately $25,000. $5000 in electronic devices to assist in online work to reach many people and gather online contributions and donations.

Unexpected Expenses

We may put aside $5000 for emergencies like health problems, our members and all those attending the seminar, and if a visitor does not show up for the session.


Walker, A. (2015). Project management in construction. John Wiley & Sons. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=tT5EBgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP8&dq=project+management&ots=WsCMdZodt3&sig=fk6Bln1sq3VoJy9QFuoNLX0o9So

Seymour, T., & Hussein, S. (2014). The history of project management. International Journal of Management & Information Systems (IJMIS), 18(4), 233-240. https://www.clutejournals.com/index.php/IJMIS/article/view/8820

Anciso, A. (2021, July 17). 3-2 Milestone One: Project Scope and Outreach Plan.

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