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ENG 3500 Podcast Presentation Rubric Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Quality

ENG 3500 Podcast Presentation Rubric







Quality and Depth of Content

35 points

Presentation clearly answers all of the specified points with depth and detail. Provides thoughtful insight and analysis, referencing examples from the song to support its points.

Presentation mostly answers the specified points with sufficient depth and detail. Mostly provides thoughtful insight, analysis, and sufficient references to the song.

Presentation answers the specified points but could use more depth and detail. Insight and analysis are somewhat thoughtful but could use more development. Makes some references to the song.

Presentation answers most, but not all, of the specified points. Depth, detail, analysis, and insights are lacking and could use more development. Makes few references to the song.

Presentation does not answer several of the specified points. Depth, detail, analysis, and insights are significantly lacking. Makes few or no references to the song.

Supporting Details

25 points

Evidence in the form of quotations, paraphrases, and summaries from the song provides strong support for the song analysis.

Evidence in the form of quotations, paraphrases, and summaries provides fairly strong support for song analysis.

Evidence in the form of quotations, paraphrases, and summaries provides some support for the song analysis.

The song analysis is partially supported by evidence in the form of quotations, paraphrases, and summaries.

Evidence in the form of quotations, paraphrases, and summaries is insufficient for the song analysis.


10 points

Presentation is delivered in a clear, engaging, and conversational tone.

Presentation is mostly delivered in a clear, engaging, and conversational tone.

Presentation is somewhat unclear, not engaging, and not conversational.

Presentation is unclear, not engaging, and not conversational.

Presentation is completely unclear and not conversational.


5 points

Presentation falls within the time range and devotes sufficient time to each section.

Presentation is barely shorter or longer than or falls within the time range and mostly devotes sufficient time to each section.

Presentation is somewhat shorter or longer than the time range and/or does not devote sufficient time to some sections.

Presentation is shorter or longer than the time range and/or does not devote sufficient time to several sections.

Presentation is significantly shorter or longer than the time range and/or does not devote sufficient time to all or almost all sections.

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