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ENG-105 Rubric: Review Writing Assignment Criteria % Value 1: Unsatisfactory 2: Less

ENG-105 Rubric: Review Writing Assignment


% Value

1: Unsatisfactory

2: Less Than Satisfactory

3: Satisfactory

4: Good

5: Excellent

% Scaling






Content and Ideas – 60%

Develop a set of criteria that the general public would see as acceptable for a website about diseases and disorders (like ADHD).


The criteria developed are incomplete and provide irrelevant expectations for a website about disease and disorders.

The criteria developed are inconsistent and provide vague expectations for a website about disease and disorders.

The criteria developed are appropriate and provide clear expectations for a website about diseases and disorders.

The criteria developed are thoughtful providing quality expectations for a website about diseases and disorders.

The criteria developed are comprehensive and well researched providing solid expectations for a website about diseases and disorders.

Describe the website you have chosen, and then explain how it does (or does not) perform the criteria you established above.


The description of the website is not present and the explanation on performance against the established criteria is missing.

The description of the website is not present. AND/OR the explanation on performance against the established criteria is inadequate.

The description of the website is present. The explanation on performance against the established criteria is present

The description of the website is present and inclusive. The explanation on performance against the established criteria is elaborate.

The description of the website is present and inclusive. The explanation on performance against the established criteria is thorough and shows an impressive level of depth.

Organization – 10%



No apparent organization is present. Ineffective introduction does not invite readers or explain the subject. The reader cannot find the thesis statement. Underdeveloped paragraphs lack focus and topic sentences. No conclusion is present.

No apparent organization is present. Introduction explains subject, but does not engage readers. Thesis is difficult to find. Underdeveloped paragraphs lack focus and topic sentences. Weak conclusion is offered.

Organization is unclear. Introduction explains subject, but does not adequately engage readers. Thesis may be misplaced. Paragraphs are not developed around topic sentences, and may not always advance essay’s ideas. Conclusion summarizes but does not conclude.

Organization aids readers in understanding content. Introduction explains subject, but may not engage readers. Thesis statement is placed appropriately, according to the genre of a review. Well-ordered paragraphs are developed around topic sentences, and advance essay’s ideas. Conclusion may be more of a summary.

Essay is logically organized to lead readers to understanding content. Introduction explains subject and engages readers. Thesis statement is placed appropriately for a review. Well-ordered paragraphs are developed around topic sentences, and advance essay’s ideas. Conclusion provides strong, satisfying ending, not a mere summary of the essay.

Format – 10%

Paper Format


Layout: Essay lacks more than THREE of the following: double-spaced, 12 pt, Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function. Not all information, paraphrases, quotations, and borrowed ideas are cited on the page they appear; little or no in-text citations and/or entries on reference page used; major documentation oversights noted; major format errors and omissions noted; inappropriate number of required sources used.

Layout: Essay lacks THREE of the following: double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function. Not all information, paraphrases, quotations, and borrowed ideas are cited on the page they appear; missing more than one citation and/or reference entry; significant documentation oversights noted; significant format errors or omissions noted; inappropriate number of required sources used.

Layout: Essay lacks TWO of the following: double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function. Not all information, paraphrases, quotations, and borrowed ideas are cited on the page they appear; missing one in-text citation and/or reference entry; minor documentation oversights noted; minor formatting errors or omissions noted; appropriate number of required sources are used.

Essay lacks ONE of the following: double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function. All information, paraphrases, quotations, and borrowed ideas are cited on the page that they appear and are listed on the references page (GCU format); some minor errors or omissions in format noted; appropriate number of required sources is used.

Layout: Essay is double-spaced with 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1″ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function. All information, paraphrases, quotations, and borrowed ideas are cited in parenthetical GCU format; all sources are listed on the references page (GCU format); all citations and reference entries are complete and in alphabetical order; appropriate number of required sources is used.

Language Use and Style – 10%

Language Use and Style


Voice and tone are inappropriate and ineffective in creating appropriate mood. Inappropriate word choice used. Sentence structure includes ungrammatical structures and no variety. Writing is wordy.

Voice and tone are inappropriate and ineffective in creating appropriate mood. Word choice fails in use of appropriate, precise language and strong verbs. Includes too many “to be” verbs. No attempt to vary sentence structure noted. Writing is wordy.

Voice & tone usually do not characterize ideas appropriately or effectively create appropriate mood. Word choice includes nonstandard outdated usage, too many “to be” verbs, is not precise, and is occasionally incorrect. Some slang or jargon exists in the paper. Inadequate variety in sentence structure noted. Writing is wordy.

Voice & tone usually characterize ideas effectively create appropriate mood. Word choice usually includes current standard usage, active verbs, concrete nouns, and precise words. Some slang or jargon exists in the paper. Some variety of sentence structures strengthens the ideas, creates vitality, and avoids choppiness in the writing. Writing is mostly concisely written.

Voice & tone characterize ideas and effectively create appropriate mood. Word choice includes current standard usage, active verbs, concrete nouns, and precise words. Sentence structures strengthen the ideas, create vitality, and avoid choppiness in the writing. Writing is concise.

Grammar and Mechanics – 10%

Grammar and Mechanics


Demonstrates no control of grammar, spelling, & punctuation conventions.

Many errors, such as:

Apostrophe use


Commas misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement

Quotation errors

Semicolons misused

Run-ons & fragments

Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense shifts

Demonstrates minimal control of grammar, spelling, & punctuation conventions. Several errors, such as:

Apostrophe use


Commas misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement

Quotation errors

Semicolons misused

Run-ons & fragments

Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense shifts

Demonstrates reasonable control of grammar, spelling, & punctuation conventions.

Some errors, such as:

Apostrophe use


Commas misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement

Quotation errors

Semicolons misused

Run-ons & fragments

Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense shifts

Demonstrates high control of grammar, spelling, & punctuation conventions. Few errors, such as:

Apostrophe use


Commas misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement

Quotation errors

Semicolons misused

Run-ons & fragments

Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense shifts

Demonstrates outstanding control of grammar, spelling, & punctuation conventions.

No errors, such as:

Apostrophe use


Commas misplaced or missing


Faulty point of view shifts

Pronoun agreement

Quotation errors

Semicolons misused

Run-ons & fragments

Spelling errors

Subject-verb agreement

Tense shifts

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