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Name: CONTENT Abstract…………………………………………………………………….3 Introduction………………………………………………………………..3-4 Methodology………………………………………………………………4 Finding……………………………………………………………………..5 4.1 Factors Affecting Successful implementation IT







4.1 Factors Affecting Successful implementation IT in supply chain….5

4.2 Organization Related Factors ……………………………………….6

4.3 Employee Related Factors……………………………………………6

External Influencing Factors…………………………………….7




In the world, today Information technology has been one of the most important factors that help in the global world. the main objective of this review is to review the importance to implement information technology (IT) in supply chain management in the present time. The growth of Information Technology (IT) with communication technology in Supply Chain Management is really playing a better role in making a good decision and achieving good results in the supply chain, For the achievement of a better result and effective information in the Supply chain there is need for information technology (IT) The method of literature review used is a narrative review, the keyword of this search is Narrative review. As a result, we outlined that all the factors detailed in the literature also affected the success of SCM projects in the research. This paper identified 15 critical success factors for the implementation of information technology and studied their impact on the improvement of Supply Chain Management. Against this research, this research was able to identify 11 critical success factors for the implementation of Information Technology in the Supply chain. Which includes (1) Communication (2) Time (3) Trust (4) transparent (5) Quality (6) performance (7) cost (8) Effectiveness (9) Efficient (10) speed (11) Ability (12) Relationships. These factors help in the implementation of information technology and improve the effectiveness and good results in supply chain activities.

Keywords— Critical Success Factor, Information Technology, Supply Chain Management


In this 21 centuries now, information technology has taken all over the globe, global the use of information technology helps in the growth of our day-to-day activities and this includes mostly in the business sectors, the use of information technology enhances the better growth of any organizations. Supply chain management (SCM) is the management of the activities that go on business such as the flow of goods and services, money, and information between businesses and locations, and involves the movement and storage of raw materials, finished goods, and work-in-process inventory as well as an end-to-end order fulfilment from point of origin to point of consumption. Interconnected, interrelated, or interlinked networks, channels and node businesses combine in the provision of products and services required by end customers in a supply chain. (Harland, C.M. (1996) Every organization or business should focus on improving the effectiveness of operational functions with effective supply chain management and to provide the needed relevant information for adequate planning and calculations and to support the exchange of information between supply chain partners, this helps better with the use of information technology. For any organization or business to stand a better chance of growth or competition requires information technology for efficient and effective for the growth of the organization or business to stand a better chance in performing more better and To face competition in global markets, Supply chain should have effective collaboration with their customers and suppliers and should be competitive in terms of Communication, Relationship, Time, Trust, transparent, Quality, performance, cost, Effectiveness, Efficient, speed and Ability. hence the implementation of all this to the supply chain will enhance the effectiveness and growth of the supply chain, all these can play a better role in meeting the challenges facing the success of a better supply chain. Gnasekaran et al (2004) opined that effective supply chain management is impossible to achieve without information technology, while the development and use of IT became more pervasive in the supply chain management era (Gunasekaran & Ngai, 2004). Below is a table showing the success factor for the implementation of the supply chain.




Information Exchange, Coordination, Integration, Responsiveness, Activity, Efficiency, Transparency, Sustainability, Information Exchange


Coordination, Integration, Responsiveness, Activity, Effective, Speed, Quality, Consequently, Communication, Automatic, Efficiency


Price/Cost, Quality, Delivery, Innovation, Effectiveness, Profitability, Time To market, Dependability, Product.


Quality and Flexibility, Price, Competitive, Cost Priorities, Efficiency, Time, Quality, Product, Quality, Flexibility, Development, Customer Service


Time, Automate, Integration, Availability, Efficiency, Timely, Accurate, Abilities


Costly, Communication, Ability, Coordinate, Monitoring, Reliability, Performance, Times, Accuracy, Completeness, Integration, Speed, Flexible, Relationships, Trust, Long-Term, Quickly


The Meta-analysis approach method is used to review the research results. This method procedure helped in conducting a systematic review of the results of the study. The method helps in providing an overview of the content of the research by analyzing the results from empirical studies. This method analyses the results of related studies from different sources of research to provide an objective view of a study. The process is done by looking up other articles related to the implementation of IT on supply chain management. In recent time information technology have taken all over the globe. Many companies are taking advantage of information technology to manage their supply chains effectively. Information technology provided a high-ranking method of managing the increase of suppliers and customers and generating a better way of information and effective communication in the supply chain. Information technology in the supply chain helps allow customers and suppliers to share information so fast and effectively which leads to quick decision making. With this literature review on different research that has been done in this research. in the view of the success factors that help in the growth of the companies with the implementation of IT. There is great significance and importance in the implementation of IT in the companies, mostly in the supply chain. The implementation of IT in the supply chain can be seen in the success factors that have been achieved. In this table is the result of the view of research


Implementation of IT in the supply chain helps in improving overall competitiveness, performance in the supply chain, operational efficiency, and financial performance by reducing time and cost.

The implementation of IT in the supply chain also increases collaboration among supply chains and partners by sharing information, capabilities, and workflow with both parties. This research is done to indicate the growing interest in the implementation of the IT supply chain.

•the implantation of IT in the supply chain helps in attract operational benefits (reducing cost, improvement in product planning, and improvement in service)

• Competition -it brings a highly competitive pressure among other companies and

this led to other companies are involving advanced technologies and therefore

companies are forced to implement advanced IT in order to remain competitive.

• Different information systems have been implemented to support supply chain

functions efficiently.

• IT helps in promoting the interest in supply chain collaboration with suppliers and


• Implementation of different flexible supply-chain design options to provide more fund

and value advantages.

• The proper use of IT develops the company to operate faster and more effectively.

• Transactional Information technology- brings high-profile information about the company’s supply chain and gathers reports to summarize this information. Likely found in Enterprise resource planning (ERP), manufacturing resource planning (MRP II), distribution resource planning (DRP), electronic data interchange (EDI), and other e-commerce systems, etc.

Factors Affecting Successful implementation IT in supply chain.

The implementation of IT in the supply chain has different levels.

Level I- to have a full understanding of the use of IT tools and functions. Having full knowledge about information technology and the required technology to implement in the supply chain.

level II- involves activities for problem identification, requirements specification, and evaluation of options, and selection of the system.

Level III- involves customization and customer-specific demands.

Level IV- IT maintenance, supporting users, and upgrading.

The major factors affecting the Implementation of IT in an organization are divided into 3 categories.

4.1 Organization Related Factors

Communication- makes every business more effective; IT helps in the improvement of the supply chain to be more effective and efficient through online communication using the internet which helps in making the communication faster and more reliable, this communication will connect both the supply and the customers to make appropriate and efficient decision making, this shows the evolution that takes place within the supply chain to the online business community. The benefit of communication shows the importance of IT in SCM that can enhance cooperation and integrate information better.

Time- IT makes the supply chain management the business so fast, with the use of information technology helps in fast communication, IT helps the supply chains provide timely interaction in all activities. IT provides timely information on supply chain activities in terms of production time, faster delivery and this can help in reducing cost in supply chain activities.

Flexibility- The implementation of information technology helps in making the supply chain activity more flexible in making decisions that will support the creative process of performance in the supply chain, it requires a good confirmation of IT so that flexibility can provide a high quality of data to benefit both parties. IT plays an important role in streamlining the performance of the supply chain in the industry. Flexibility IT in the company has been viewed as a source of competitive advantage to industries (Byrd and Turner 2000; Ray et al. 2005; Ross et al. 1996; Weill 1992; Duncan 1995). The development of a flexible and responsive IT infrastructure is frequently identified as a key IT management priority. Flexible IT infrastructure can support a wide variety of business applications and various types of information. The ease of adding, implementing, and removing software applications that process diverse data objects facilitates technology-dependent changes and innovations in the industry. Industries that are equipped with flexible IT can take easy and quick decisions with actions in response to competitor’s moves.

4.2 Employee Related Factors

Effectiveness- for an efficient business strategy in the company, there is a need to implement IT to help ensure the effectiveness of supply chain and strategic activities with the supplier and the customer, intermediaries, and market needs. Effects of collaborative communication and information technology decision making to improve supply effectiveness and customer integration.

Trust- For organization to perform better with their partners there is a need to develop trust among the two parties involved, their relationship between the two parties will be more strong with the use of IT implementation in the industry, Trust plays an important role between the supplier and the custom in every industry, Where trust is built on the relationships of related partners, the use of IT-facilitates levels of trust to a greater level because IT can provide important or valuable information that is needed by these partners, The IT plays a role of accurate calculation and real-time tracking of what partners need, All of these roles will help from the competitive advantage of the industry

Speed- The implementation of IT helps in the speed and time information management in the industry, the use of IT will enable the company to fasten the activities of the company, Information technology is necessary for corporate decision making and delivery of services in time.

External Influencing Factors

Ability- The implementation of IT affects the ability of its intelligence to perform tasks or actions to obtain relevant information from customers, monitors, and surveillance, or others.IT provides the ability to integrate all the needs that occur in the supply chain. The implementation of IT helps to the ability of the employees to perform very well and the company to improve to a higher level. The ability of the company can grow high with the implementation of IT in the supply chain.

Relationship- is very important in every business for the growth of the ompany. The relationship itself occurs in the industry and partners, there is a need to have a good relationship between the two parties and this will help in the growth. Companies are required to maintain such good relationships to facilitate activities within the supply chain. With IT, the relationship can be established with an online communication system to make the activities of the company and the partner faster, good, real-time. Hence, it increases the trust of the relevant partners in the business that impact the sustainability of an industry.

Quality- With the implementation of IT in the supply chain makes a huge advantage in sharing quality data to the partners and this helps in the balance of every activity on the network. Hence IT in the supply chain has many advantages from upstream to downstream of the supply chain process which helps in the improvement of the quality of each process of activity for the better of the industry. The high quality of the company performance helps in the increase in a competitive advantage for the company.

Transparent- Transparency is very important in the supply chain, for any industry to perform better there is a need for transparency which helps in growing more trust in the company, IT implementation helps in providing transparency in the supply chain especially the information that is needed by the company. IT provides a direct process in the exchange or delivery of information to the partners, hence sharing data occurs systematically between the right parties and this helps in the improvement of the quality of the company.


The results of the research were carried out with a review of the literature in different articles published in some journals related to this review. The main objective of this study was to study the importance and need for the implementation of IT in supply chain supply and to identify the factors affecting successful implementation of IT supply chain. This study with the meta-analysis review found 25 successful factors for IT implementation in supply chain management. Out of many successful factors after further analysis with many authors discussing with at least 3 authors, the paper has collated 12 factors in three categories which help in the successful implementation of IT in the supply chain. The 12 factors were found to be very most influencing factors for IT, among others: Cost, Time-Efficient, Effectiveness, Communication, Ability, Accurate, Performance, Flexible, Quality, Transparent, Trust, Speed, Relationships. This factor is a success factor derived from the implementation of IT in the supply chain. This research gives a view to all companies that intend to implement IT in the supply chain. The implementation of IT has a positive influence on all supply chain activities so it can help in the growth of the processes that occur within the industry from purchasing raw materials, production processes, logistics, customer service.


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